Jerome Finley – Art of the 90 Second Reading Bonus Audios
Art of the 90 Second Reading Bonus Audios
[2 MP3s]
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This upload is brought to you by: The Cold Reading GroupBuyThis GroupBuy contains the following 2 products: 1) Morgan Strebler’s Ice Cold DVDs 2) Jerome Finley’s Art of the 90 Second Reading The Status of this GB is CLOSED To participate in this GroupBuy, go to the following thread: times are set _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How to persuade, seduce and influence ANYONE, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE with cold reading strategies, techniques and approaches” by Jerome FinleyI call it my “Art of the 90 Second Reading” ebook and audio download package and it’s very different from my usual work and the world class material or approaches that I normally release and have championed in the past.“The 90 Second Reading” was developed by me personally over decades of professional cold reading experience, countless live performances and making my entire living and sole income as a successful psychic entertainer, advisor and someone active in the field over the last 20 years. I initially created the 90 second reading-model for numerous reasons and purposes including:• Marketing and Networking• As a conversation starter and psychological ice breaker• As a covert tool for persuasion, seduction & influence• For use in impromptu performances in ANY setting!• For creating instant rapport, connection and mutual trust in others.• As an ultra effective tool for handing out my business card and personal contact info.• To increase my bookings, repeat bookings, client referrals and positive testimonial list exponentially.• To provide a uniquely magical, mystical, psychic-flavored experience with no preparation, no props, no gaffs and no gimmicks required! Unlike my usual approach to readings, the “90 Second Reading” model is all about traditional cold reading using the very best of my personal stock lines, 90 second canned readings and short, ACCURATE, devastatingly effective “scripts” that you can memorize forever in a single afternoon and then use effectively for the rest of your natural life and performance career. Unlike reading with an oracle, system or giving readings based on one’s natural knowing, intuition and gut instinct the “90 Second Reading” model was designed specifically with “hits”, “accuracy” and “emotional impact” foremost in mind and is hands down the most powerful and effective psychological tool I use in marketing, networking and impromptu performances. My “90 Second Cold Reading” model allows the working practitioner to create deep states of rapport, connection, mutual trust, compliance and cooperation in others easily, naturally and automatically. I use it daily to create lasting memories, for passing on compliments, sharing psychic impressions, dispensing advice, answering questions and delivering helpful suggestions through the art and science of cold reading. What makes this system so great is that it’s perfectly accessible to the beginning reader and seasoned pro alike – it’s practical, hard hitting and structurally perfect by its very nature and design. If you’ve ever wanted to know what the pros actually say in their readings or have felt the desire to deliver short, accurate psychological and psychic flavored readings that capture a person’s mind, heart, interest and attention immediately, get them warming up to you faster than ever before, have them leaning in to listen closely, hanging on your every word and then acting upon all of your given commands and mental suggestions then look no further!“The Art of the 90 Second Reading” comes to you in dual format including a 60+ page ebook and 4 hour audio download/MP3. Armed with these unique learning aids and training materials I walk my students step-by-step through the cold reading process including what to say, how to say it, the exact words I use, my script designs and how to apply them, the subtleties and nuances of my 90 second cold reading system, easy training methods for instant memorization of all the extraordinary lines, scripts and techniques used and much, much more. In this information packed release we’ll cover topics such as:• The 90 Second General Reading• The 90 Second Life Span Reading• The 90 Second Love Life & Relationships Reading• The 90 Second Money, Career & Finances Reading• The 90 Second Travel & Education Reading• The 90 Second Spiritual Reading• The 90 Second Angel Message Reading• The 90 Second Past Life Reading• The 90 Second Q&A Reading• The 7 Minute Full Audience Propless Q&A• Instant Palmistry, Graphology, Astrology & Aura Readings• And much, much more…no prior experience necessary! Working from the combined ebook and supplied audio files I cover various fine points and essays including the expert use of suggestion in readings, when and how to use the 90 second reading model, psychological readings VS psychic readings, the approach, middle & end-game phases…as well as how to navigate them seamlessly and with guaranteed positive results each and every time!“The Art of the 90 Second Reading” is the ultimate tool for professional magicians, hypnotists, professional mind readers, psychic entertainers, energy healers, spiritual workers, life coaches, hypnotherapists and relationship counselors, pick up artists, information marketing experts, seminar leaders and public speakers alike! The new ebook, written transcripts and MP3 combo pack is available starting today and directly from me only for the introductory price of $169.00 which includes the FULL 90 SECOND READING HOME STUDY COURSE and everything else that I’ve mentioned.
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