Sri Krishnaraj – Ananda Mandala chakra clearing meditation
Sri Krishnaraj – ananda mandala
[1 CD – 11 MP3s]
Ananda Mandala is a Chakra clearing meditation designed to raise Kundalini energy. It is a 30 to 40 minute meditation that involves vigorous Pranayama (breath of fire) breathing techniques. One should be in good health and an advocate for spiritual growth.Deeksha (also called Oneness Blessing) is an energy transfer that works by creating a neurobiological shift in the brain, awakening the energy centers (Chakras) in the body and activating Kundalini energy. This creates a gradual shift in consciousness, freeing you from the suffering created by the mind, balancing the body’s natural healing energies and attuning the brain to higher levels of awareness. It helps quiet the overactive thinking centers of the brain, mainly in the parietal lobes and stimulates the underactive frontal lobes, bringing clarity of perception accompanied by feelings of joy, inner peace and connection. Deeksha does not belong to any religion or belief. It is a universal energy that can be received by anyone. No special teachings are required or needed. All you need do is to be open to receiving.
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