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Skinny Protocol Program – (4 ebooks – pdf; 1 video – mp4)

Skinny Protocol Program


P.S:As usual I’ve added cool upsells.Enjoy!!! THIS Bacteria Triggers Massive Weight GainThis is the real reason why some of us put on fat easily, while others can’t gain weight at all.Plus, you’ll find out a breakthrough protocol below that’s clinically proven to melt fat fast… allowing folks to lose 12, 25, even up to 40 pounds of weight in only weeks.This recent discovery from Cornell University reveals why some lucky folks can eat whatever they want and not gain any weight … while many of us gain weight even though we try to eat healthy and go on weight-loss diets.You may think it’s just genetics, but that’s the tip of the iceberg.Genetics influence the type of bacteria in your stomach, and the true reason why some lucky folks can’t gain weight easily is because they don’t have this “fat-storing” bacteria.In a few minutes, you are going to realize it all has to do with this bacteria in your stomach, that has been making it virtually impossible  for you to lose that extra 10, 20 or even 40 pounds you wish you could.In fact, this “obesity causing” bacteria is so powerful …Top medical experts in both the U.S. and in England now believe it is the EXCLUSIVE cause of almost all human weight gain on earth.This is the REAL reason why it’s so hard for many of us to lose weight and also keep it off for good .It is so effective at making you gain weight…That no matter how much you diet… how INTENSELY you exercise… or how healthily you eat…You’ll never permanently drop a single pound until the bacteria has been destroyed.Hi, I’m Garrett Branch…Even though the information I gave you may sound discouraging, there is good news.Because inside of this short presentation…Which the diet and weight loss industries are DESPERATELY to trying to get taken off the Internet before you can see it…You’ll be shown a completely natural treatment protocol for eradicating this fat-causing bacteria TODAY.Developed by a team of health and nutrition experts… this protocol doesn’t require that you take any new medications… buy any weight loss pills… or start spending hours at the gym each day.In fact, once I show you what this natural treatment protocol is…You’ll be SHOCKED to realize that it doesn’t even involve any calorie counting or dietary restrictions at all…And that to the contrary…You will actually be ASKED to eat all of the foods that you love … even things like crispy bacon… juicy steaks… and creamy chocolate chip ice cream.It sounds unbelievable now…But as you’ll see inside this short presentation… which may only be on the Internet for a few more days…By just following   the three easy steps  that I’m about to give you…None of which cost you even a penny to use….You can PERMANENTLY BANISH this fat-causing bacteria from your stomach…Letting you drop four waist sizes in the next four weeks as you do it…And allowing you to enjoy more muscle tone and definition than you’ve ever had in your life … even if you’re currently in your early 70s… and haven’t stepped foot in a gym for decades.In fact, that’s what 114,882 thrilled folks have already done…People like Jamie Carpenter, of Athens, Georgia, who lost 24 pounds in his first 30 Days…Cameron Leonard, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, who was down 11 pounds in his first WEEK…Dennis Larrabee, of Indio, California, who lost 32 pounds while eating MORE of the foods he loved…And Lauren Hall, of Cambridge, Massachusetts, who loved going from a size 8, to a size 4…. in just 19 days.This scientifically developed weight loss protocol is actually PERFECT for adults who are in their 50s, 60s, 70s, or even 80s…Because by just following those three simple steps I’ll be showing you inside this presentation…You will begin to HEAL your entire body on a cellular level…Purging your body of the toxins and free radicals that are currently stuck inside it…Dramatically reversing your risk of major diseases … even those like cancer, heart disease and diabetes…And both looking… and BECOMING… physically younger while you do it.Now, I’m sure you’re incredibly curious as to what this fat-causing virus is…And I know you’re even MORE ANXIOUS to know how you can quickly rid your body of it…So without wasting another second…Let me go ahead and tell you who I am…Why I know a medical secret that the weight loss industry would KILL to keep quiet…And how you can start using this same secret to achieve the best looking body of your life… all in the next 30 days.So, as I mentioned, my name is Garrett Branch.I’m 57 years old and I live near Clearwater, Florida…Three years ago I was declared medically dead  by a team of doctors after I went into the operating room for Lap Band surgery…And the chief surgeon accidentally punctured my stomach with his scalpel… causing me to almost drown in my own blood.If it sound disgusting… or horrifying…That’s because it was.And I wouldn’t even be here, telling my story to you today if one of the younger surgeons hadn’t acted quickly and saved my life. Now, as you may expect, this “near death” experience was pretty life altering… and I’ll tell you more about it… including the part about the strange face  I saw at the exact moment the doctors declared me dead… in a few seconds from now.Before I do that however, I should probably back up and tell you exactly why it was I’d ended up in the hospital for Gastric Bypass Surgery in the first place.Here’s a picture my wife took of me just a couple weeks ago…Not bad, if I do say so myself. I’m honestly in pretty great shape right now…My doctor’s say my cholesterol and heart rate are similar to that of a 24 year olds…I have amazing energy and stamina… not to mention a great sex drive…And I’m enjoying every moment of my life without any worries of sickness or disease.But while today things are pretty rosy…It was only a few short years ago that I was so morbidly overweight and unhealthy…My doctors worried I would die if immediate action wasn’t taken.Think I’m exaggerating?Check out this picture of me:That’s me three years ago… about two months before I went in for my Lap Band surgery.Not exactly the kind of physique you’d expect to see on the cover of Men’s Health is it?At that time, I weighed 297 pounds…Was pre-diabetic…And had an average total cholesterol level of about 500.But the worst part of all was this:I didn’t even live that unhealthily of a lifestyle at all.And, until my weight really and unexpectedly started to balloon in those final few months leading up to my surgery…I’d worked out three times a week… continuously counted calories… and even done programs like NutriSystems and Weight Watchers for men.So, at the time, I thought my weight issues were hereditary.  All of the men on my dad’s side of the family were what you’d call “big boned”…Plus my pops had always suffered from high cholesterol…So I figured I’d just gotten the short-end of the genetic stick here… and that weight struggles were something I’d always be forced to deal with.And even though I was always trying the newest low-carb diet fad… or the newest home exercises…It just seemed like, for me… having a lean and tone physique was out of the question.But my attitude started to really change back in December of 2012…It was just after the holidays and, like most Americans… I’d been eating pretty unhealthily over the past month.In fact, when weighed myself following New Years Day of 2013… I saw I’d put on about 15 lbs.But, at that moment, I wasn’t all that concerned.I figured I’d just hit the gym a few extra times each week… and I could at least lose that extra weight pretty quickly.Except, that’s not what happened.Instead, even though I was doing cardio at the gym five times a week…Really counting my calories… having mostly salads and very little fat or carbs…By the middle of February, my weight had ballooned from 190, to 240…And by April of 2013… it was all the way up at 310 pounds.Well, needless to say, I was pretty alarmed…It almost felt like some weird “trigger” had been hit inside my body…Some weird switch, which was now making it impossible for my metabolism to burn calories…And I didn’t have any clue what to do.At my annual physical that same month in April…My doctor told me he was EXTREMELY alarmed…That my body fat index was 30%…And that at 500… my cholesterol was to the point where I was a walking heart attack waiting to happen.He suggested more diet and exercise, but that’s what I’d been doing with very little in the way of results…Which is why… two months after my visit…There I was, in the operating room , paying almost $35,000 out of my retirement fund to have my stomach “stapled” together.  It was money I could ill-afford to spend…But I was desperate to lose weight and  I didn’t know what else to do.I just FELT so awful…I woke up exhausted every morning… I had almost ZERO energy during the day… and I felt short of breath just walking up a single flight of stairs.Plus, I LOOKED awful too…I mean if I’d been embarrassed to take my shirt off in public before…I felt humiliated by the fact that I was now consistently buying XXXLs at the store…I was SICK of seeing fat droop down from my lovehandles… and hang from my chin…And I HATED  the way my wife couldn’t help but look at me in DISGUST when I stepped out of the shower each morning…Even though she tried to hide her repulsion… and said she still loved me.So, I shelled out the $35k… and I went into the operating room for my surgery…The whole procedure should have taken just 30 minutes…Instead, what happened seems like something out of a nightmare.Like I already mentioned to you… the main surgeon who was performing the procedure accidentally cut the inside of my stomach… right above my GI tract.As blood and acid began to flood my stomach… leaked up into my lungs… causing me to suffocate.But because I had been put “under”, my body remained fairly calm… and the doctors didn’t realize what was happening until it was too late…Suddenly, out of nowhere, they saw my heart beat flat line…And in that moment, I died.I mean it too – medically I was dead…And I stayed that way for about 45 seconds… until the youngest surgeon in the room realized he could divert the leak back into one of my blood vessels…Draining the fluid from my lungs…And allowing me to breathe again after receiving a series of emergency shocks.Now, here’s the craziest part of all:Because I’d been given anesthesia prior to the surgery…I shouldn’t have been able to remember anything that happened during my “death” or “resurrection”…And yet, as soon as I did regain consciousness…I instantly recalled seeing something while I’d been dead … something that sent chills down my spine…It was the face of my daughter, Carol…Vivid and clear as day…Her eyes looking into mine.  And even after I’d been taken into a hospital room to recover… and my teary eyed wife had explained what had happened… I couldn’t shake the image of my daughter’s face from my mind.I guess it was just the realization that… if I’d died I never would have seen my little girl again…And that even though I’d lived…Given the fact that the surgery hadn’t been a success… and that no matter WHAT I tried to do, I simply couldn’t stop gaining weight…There was still a very real chance I’d be dead in the next year…Which meant never getting to walk Carol down the aisle once she got married… or be there for the birth of her first child… or ever again be there for her when she needed her “dad”.And when I thought of it that way… thought about how my passing away would leave my wife… my daughter… and so many others who depended on me helpless to fend for themselves…I swore to myself that I would NOT let that happen … that I would find a way to lose my weight… no matter what… and at any cost.And so two weeks later, when I finally got released from the hospital and was able to return home…I went to work researching EVERYTHING I possibly could about weight gain and weight loss…My goal was to uncover the REAL reason why I wasn’t able to lose the weight I wanted to…And to discover a PERMANENT solution to my problem … something that could help me become the lean, tone man I’d always wanted to be…While dramatically reducing my chances of a life-ending heart attack… or being diagnosed with another obesity-related disease that would put me in the grave.And so, like millions of other people who are struggling with their weight do each year…I got online and started searching for everything on “how to lose weight” I could find.At first, it was pretty overwhelming. There are literally MILLIONS of different articles, guides and weight loss products out there…And it seems like every single one of them is telling you something different.Plus, there was the fact that about 97% of the advice I was reading online was to do stuff I’d already done…Starve myself by counting calories…Eat less carbs, less gluten, less sugar, less fat, more fat less red meat, more red meat… eat Twinkies… you name it.It left me feeling so confused… and so unsure of what I should REALLY be doing.That part of me wanted to give up.It wasn’t because I didn’t really and deeply want to lose weight…I just was so overwhelmed, it was paralyzing.In fact, giving up is probably exactly what I would have done…If I hadn’t stumbled upon a bizarre university study…Something that would change the way I thought about weight loss forever… and that’s going to be the key to you losing as many extra pounds as you want to as well… virtually on demand… starting in about 10 minutes.It happened late one night as I tore through an online academic research database I’d recently purchased a subscription for…Buried deep at the bottom of the archive… I saw a study that caught my eye.It was titled: “Human Genetics Shape the Gut Microbiome”…And it had been published in Cell journal … which was apparently a pretty prestigious scientific publication.What first attracted me to the study was the part about “genetics”…Like I mentioned to you previously, weight problems seem to run in my family… and so I was curious to see how my genes might affect my gut.What I quickly discovered however, is that the study’s findings went WAY BEYOND just fat genes…And actually contained one of the most important breakthrough in the history of weight loss, period.  You see: the study was performed by scientists at Cornell University, along with Kings College in London.And what the researchers discovered is that there is a specific, little known microbe that’s ONLY found in individuals who have a healthy body weight.This microbe, called Christenenellacae, is primarily found in the intestines…And the reason it’s so important is that it breaks down the nutrients in the food and drinks that we eat.In other words… having this microbe in your body is what keeps people skinny…Because it instantly “dissolves” all of the fat, cholesterol, calories and other nutrients in our meals and drinks…And then either converts them to energy… or flushes them out of the system.At least that’s the way Christenenellacae is supposed to work…The problem is that for people who are overweight…Even those who just struggle with a few extra pounds of belly fat…This microbe is NOT inside their intestines.Instead, what we have is an overload of FAT PRESERVING bacteria…Which means that all of the fats, sugars, carbs and starches inside the foods we eat DON’T get broken down…They go right to our stomach… our face… our chin…. our legs… our butts… and the other places in our body…Where they sit forever… regardless of how much we exercise or starve ourselves… or how many bland salads we eat.Now, here’s the good news… and the part that’s about to change your life…What the scientists discovered during their study was that  by making a few simple changes to people’s diets…Introducing some foods that promoted the growth of fat-destroying good microbes…While flushing the system of fat causing bacteria…Those people were then able to instantly burn away all of their excess body fat… even as much as 30lbs per month…And they didn’t even need to work out… or starve themselves to do it.In fact, once the people in the study followed the simple steps the scientists provided them with…They could eat ANYTHING they wanted… fried chicken… smothered philly cheese steaks… chocolate fudge brownies… you name it…And they simply WOULDN’T gain weight… because their “good microbes” destroyed all the fat before it had a chance to be stored in the body.Oh yeah, plus here’s the kicker…Because the people being studied were ridding their intestines of all the fat… toxins… free radicals… and other unhealthy bacteria that had been fermenting inside their gut and intestines for decades…Those who used this simple method were also  starting to both look and feel DRAMATICALLY younger…Even during specific measurements, doctors found that in people who used this weight loss strategy…Their health markers read at the level of a twenty four year old’s … even if the person who was being studied was 60, 70, or even 80…And… because those toxins were being physically dissolved from their body… it also meant that their risk for countless other diseases and conditions…Things like cancer… diabetes… heart disease… clogged arteries…Were being destroyed too.Well, as I finished reading all of the details from this university study, my heart was racing…It just made a lot of sense to me :This BAD BACTERIA in my body was the reason that no matter how much dieting… exercise… or low-carb eating I’d been doing…I’d never been able to keep the weight I lost off…Or, as I got older, even lose that weight in the first place.But beyond just explaining why I was failing…The part that REALLY excited me was the idea of getting those good microbes into my gut.Because, as the study had indicated… once those good microbes are inside our intestines…They will DISSOLVE all of the excess fat from your meals…Which means that instead of your Bic Mac making its way right to your hanging stomach pouch…It gets broken up and naturally flushed through your system.So, all I needed to do was to destroy that bad bacteria…And replace it with those good microbes…And I’d never gain excess weight again.Easy right?Well not exactly…Because while the Cornell Study I’d discovered did explain how everything worked…What it didn’t do was explain HOW to flush out the bad bacteria from my gut…Or tell me which foods I could eat to replace that bad bacteria with the fat and free-radical dissolving toxins…And so once again I dove into my research … spending literally thousands of hours to find the answers I was looking for.    I researched which nutrients could destroy the fat and disease causing bacteria and force them OUT of my gut…    I researched which foods I needed to consume if I wanted to get those fat-destroying microbes INTO my gut…    I uncovered the exact science behind how those good microbes flushed out cancer-causing toxins from my intestines… even in cases where the toxic buildup had been going on for years…    I found out how mixing strawberries with a few other simple foods could “eat up” the age causing free radicals in my body… repairing my cells and actually reducing my age in a biological level…    And I took all of my findings… distilled them into one simple, easy to understand program…Then tested it on myself.The first couple days, I didn’t really notice a big difference.If I’m being honest, I actually panicked a little and thought maybe I was wasting my time… and that all my research had been for nothing.But five days into my “anti-bacteria crusade,” some pretty interesting things started happening…I woke up that morning, December 2, 2013, with more energy than at any point in the last five years…I mean I felt GOOD … my breathing was relaxed… I’d slept all through the night without waking up once… and I hopped out of bed ready to rock and take on the day.But, even more importantly than all of that…When I went to get on the scale, I was surprised to see that I weighed in at 291 pounds.Still WAY too much for a guy like me…But it was a 6lb drop since when I’d first started using my “bacteria destroying program” five days ago…And I thought “maybe there’s something to this”…Well there sure was something to it…Because from that point onward… things started to happen REALLY fast:By Day 10, I’d dropped 12 pounds…By Day 17, I’d dropped 18 pounds…By Day 24, I’d Dropped 25 pounds…And by Day 30… January 2, 2014… I’d dropped a total of 31 lbs.PLUS, and here’s one of the craziest parts…Because I’d been using this weight destroying program over the holiday season…I’d lost all of this weight while EATING almost constantly.I mean it: holiday dinners with family… Christmas cookies my wife made… chocolates… baked ham… smoked cheddar cheese… just all kinds of high calorie, but delicious stuff…And I’d STILL lost 31 pounds.While having more energy every morning when I woke up, sleeping soundly through each night… having my sex drive return for the first time in years.By the end of my second month on my program… I ’d lost 63 pounds…In other words, I’d gone from 296 to 233 in a matter of sixty days…And everyone from my family, to my doctor was AMAZED.People simply couldn’t understand how I’d been able to experience such incredible weight loss…Especially since I wasn’t exercising at all… wasn’t following any kind of meal plan… and was eating WHATEVER THE HECK I wanted!I tried explaining to my doctor that it was simple…That I’d just used the simple guide I’d come up with…Added the right microbes into my gut…Ate a few things that got the fat and disease causing bacteria out…And that it only cost me about 10 bucks in extra groceries to do it.But no matter how clearly I explained it to my doc… he simply refused to believe me.He said there was just NO WAY losing weight could be this simple… and that I had to be doing something else.What could I say though? It really was that easy…And, as I started sharing my simple weight-dissolving program with more of my friends and family…And saw that every single one of them was losing as much weight as they wanted to…Up to 30lbs in their first month…While eating fried catfish… buttery mashed potatoes… pecan pie… or anything else they wanted…It quickly became clear that what I’d discovered REALLY worked…Which is when I made it my mission to start getting my “Fateria Busting” program to as many people as humanly possible.So I put everything I’d discoveredtogether in a really simple, easy-to-followguide that anyone could use…Had one of my friends who’s good with computers help me make this site and video…And that brings us to why we’re here today.Because now… and only from this special website that you’ve currently found yourself on…I’m going to show you exactly how you can start using the exact same program I did…To lose 10lbs, 20lbs, 30lbs or really HOWEVER much weight you want in the next 30 days…All without starving yourself … restricting your diet… or spending more than $10 extra dollars on groceries.In fact, you’ll even be DESTROYING the cancer-causing toxins and age-causing free radicals inside your gut…And gaining the biological health of a 24 year old as you do it… even as the pounds melt away.I’m calling this the Skinny Protocol Program: The Scientifically Proven Way To Eat Everything You Love And Still Remain Slim .Since you’ll be melting away pound after pound of stubborn, clinging body fat in your very first month.Inside the Skinny Protocol Program…    You’ll be given a list of the 7 food that immediately DESTROY the fat-causing bacteria in your gut.    You’ll also be shown how to replace that fat-causing bacteria with two types of good, fat consuming bacteria. Once these bacteria are inside your stomach, they turn into an unstoppable furnace, something that can destroy even the most unhealthy foods the second you eat them.    You’ll discover how to build an army of toxin and free radical destroying microbes right inside your stomach . All it takes is the addition of a few surprising foods… including strawberries… to rapidly repair your damaged cells… and become biologically younger in the process.    Everything has been packaged together for you in a simple, and easy to follow guide…    You’ll discover that you can customize the entire plan , based on your specific goals. That means if you’re aiming to lose 10lbs in the next month, you’ll be shown exactly what you need to do to accomplish this. If you want to lose something more extreme, like 60lbs over the next two months, you’ll see what you need to do to accomplish that as well.    Plus, you’ll discover the simple monthly “food maintenance”  plan you should continue to follow.    This is literally as easy as it gets. just make sure to get a couple of these items into your diet one time each month… and you’ll keep those fat destroying bacteria and microbes inside your stomach… while the fat causing bacteria stays out.    You’ll be shown t he 2 supplements that REALLY CAN help you lose and keep your weight off. But they aren’t diet pills, or weight loss powders, or anything unhealthy at all.    Instead, these two metabolism-stoking supplements are completely natural, only have a single ingredient, and cost about $10 total. Using them is completely optional  – but at least now you’ll have that extra choice if you’d like.      You’ll also be given the REAL TRUTH about cholesterol . You’ll see why eating red meat can actually be one of the MOST EFFECTIVE ways to lower your unhealthy cholesterol levels… along with five other surprising foods that will improve your health and rapidly decrease your risk of heart disease.    And to help you achieve the immediate results you want, Skinny Protocol Program also comes with a 10 Day Rapid Start guide .You’ll be shown exactly which foods to add to your diet, and in what amounts, over the next 10 days.Typically, people lose about 7lbs over the first 10 days, even though they are eating WAY MORE fat than they’re used to.But don’t worry, if you don’t want to lose that much weight – you can always easily modify the plan, which you’re shown how to do inside.So, with everything you’ve just seen, it’s pretty clear that Skinny Protocol Program is the only secret weapon you’ll ever need in your battle against body fat…  To date, more than 114,882 people just like you have already used this scientific breakthrough to reclaim their health and fitness for the first time in years…People like Dan Lane of Columbus, Ohio, who has lost 57 pounds in the two months he’s been following the Skinny Protocol Program guide.And Sanjay Rankel, of Rio Grande, Texas, who’s sent this amazing before and after shot for the world to see…Or Lance Hummel of Biloxi, Mississippi, who’s down 33 pounds in the last 4 weeks…By using the simple but insanely effective set of tools you’ll find inside… you will instantly set your body’s fat-burning thermostat on overdrive.Plus, you’ll be wiping out the risk for weight-related problems  like high blood pressure and out-of-control cholesterol. That last one could save your life—like it did for me after I actually died on the operating table.I know you’ve probably tried other ways to lose weight, but let’s take a closer look at those…You could try one of the popular “fads” like the Paleo Diet, or a gluten free diet, or the South Beach diet, or whatever other new “flavor of the month” there is…But the truth is that no matter what they claim…All of those diets are about eating an extremely limited group of foods that don’t make you feel full or happy…Instantly slam your body into survival mode…And force it to store the tiny bit of nutrients you DO eat into body fat… where it clings to your stomach and never leaves. .Another option would be to pay a personal trainer a bunch of money to beat you up at the gym.I don’t know about you, but my family and work schedule is insane . I can’t afford the time or money required to hit the gym with some 22 year old, steroid-popping meathead four times a week.There’s also the choice of using the quick-fix diet pills you see at the health food store.But do the results really last? If you’re like 97% of American’s, the answer is NO.Plus, there’s the fact that just like those fad diets I mentioned a minute ago… these weight loss pills are all about starvation.You take them to “trick” your body into thinking it’s full… even as you deprive it of the minimum 2,000 calories per day it needs to actually function properly.One final alternative option to consider is gastric bypass surgery . I’m personally pretty against this option because of my experience with it.But even if it does work for you… how scary is the idea of having half your stomach cut out and removed?  Or paying $35,000 for the surgery, your stomach ends up so tiny it can only hold a tablespoon of food without getting sick.I don’t know about you, but in my opinion losing weight shouldn’t mean losing quality of life.And that brings us back toSkinny Protocol Program…    There are no tricky rules humans that are impossible to follow.    No bottles of herbal diet pills that make your burps smell like wet cheese.    No need take up residence at the local gym.Just follow the biology-based guidelines inside, grub down on more of the foods you LOVE and shock everyone when you walk through the door with the most lean and tone body you’ve ever had… looking years younger than your actual age.The discovery that fuels Skinny Protocol Program is based on pure, validated science.  And considering the fact that over 114,882 people just like you have experienced incredible results using this program, and it’s easy to see why I initially planed to sell this guide for $297.Once you go through this bacteria destroying steps the food lists, the kick starter kit and all the personalized eating tips that you’ll find inside…You’ll finally realize why your now EX-trainer was only right about one thing: If you want to lose weight, you’ve got to have the guts for it. But what he DIDN’T tell you is that you need to have the right kind  of guts.You’ll quickly and permanently reform your body at the biological level, with no effort at all.  Your skin will look younger… weight-related illnesses will be zapped at the core.But that’s just the “hot and healthy” factor.Some areas of life can’t be measured on a scale or by a doctor —like the security in knowing your spouse won’t get stuck in the Social Security maze if something happens to you. Your kids won’t suffer the early loss of a parent they saw struggling for so long.With Skinny Protocol Program, even your grandchildren will reap the benefits,  since you’ll live and thrive late into your 80s, 90s, maybe even 100s. Plenty of time to pass the torch and show them how to be healthy and happy, in their lives too.And by living for decades longer than you might otherwise… you’ll be able to take those vacations you’ve always wanted. You’ll travel and explore the world free of risks, worries and complications due to mobility or medications.So, yes, I think $297 is well worth it and every single one of the 114,000+ people who has tried this agrees. But because I am personally invested in getting this guide into your hands today…I’m going to do something crazy and throw that $297 price tag right out the window…And here’s why:  It’s NOT just about money.Two years ago, I was LITERALLY brought back from the dead.My name should be on a tombstone right now.Instead, my major health problems have all vanished. Right down to my sex life, which is totally amazing now, my entire body is more active than ever. My doctor jokes that I’m having an out-of-body experience: I’m a 24 year old in a 57-year-old’s body.So even though catching a glance of my new reflection is awesome, I could never bring myself to look in the mirror if I was just trying to get rich off this second chance at life.That’s why I’ve decided not to charge $297 for Skinny Protocol Program… or anything even remotely close to that amount.In fact, to get instant access to this program today,  you won’t even have to pay even $197…Or $97 for that matter  which, by the way, would be lower than your trainer’s monthly price tag… and way cheaper than a continuous cycle of weight loss supplements…Instead,When you grab Skinny Protocol Program today,And save your own life like I did…You’ll get the entire program… the food lists, the cholesterol guides, the 10 Day Quickstart, the modification plans and everything else…For just $39.00 .To get started now, click the yellow button below. The second you do that, you’ll be brought to a secure order page that looks like this. Enter your payment details, submit your order, and you’ll have in your possession an instant and scientifically backed way to instantly shed pounds while stopping the effects of aging.But if you’re serious about reclaiming your health and fitting into the pants and shirts you haven’t been able to wear in a decade… you need to act FAST.  Ever since Skinny Protocol Program was first published online, everyone from the pharmaceutical manufacturers to the diet and weight loss industry has been PISSED.And almost every single day they are threatening to sue the living daylights out of me if I don’t take this website down.The pharmaceuticals are afraid that because using this simple guide reduces your risk of so many diseases…And practically eliminates the need for any of their medications, including expensive diabetes pills, cancer treatments and cholesterol drugs…They’ll lose billions of dollars  if too many people find out about Skinny Protocol Program.It’s the same with diet and weight loss industry…These guys are TERRIFIED that Skinny Protocol Program will lead to their total financial ruin…Especially because once you know how to get rid of the “fat virus” that’s inside your stomach right now… and replace it with those fat-destroying microbes…You will NEVER go on another diet or take another weight loss supplement again.So far, I’ve been able to keep these billion dollar conglomerates at bay… but I don’t know for how long that will last.Which means you MUST act quickly by clicking the “Add to Cart” button below this presentation now.The second you do you’ll be taken to the secure checkout page I’ve had setup. Then simply enter your payment information and Skinny Protocol Programis instantly yours.View all the food lists, complete guide, kickstarter kit… everything right from your computer, iPad or smart phone. Download and print materials, whatever you like.You’re just 30 seconds away from a total solution  to all those health issues literally weighing you down. It’s just the simple click of a button.And, if you’re still deciding, here’s another thing to sweeten the pot:Your decision to invest in Skinny Protocol Program today is going to be covered by a full 60 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee.Listen: I was raised to do right by people.Especially after my own health experienced such a miraculous turnaround that saved my life… I personally don’t believe I DESERVE your money unless I do my MORAL DUTY… That means showing every single person I can how to get astonishing results.Plus I know from personal experience (and from over 114,000 folks who have used Skinny Protocol Program) that the numbers on your scale will start to RUN BACKWARDS…That you’re going to be amazed at how EASY it is  to flush the fat-causing bacteria from your body…And at how much MONEY you save each and every month by not having to follow a strict diet…Or take meth-like-diet-pills… or even pay for a gym membership.If you’re anything like most people who grab Skinny Protocol Program, this system will more than pay for itself the very first month you use it…Which is why I have absolutely ZERO problem giving you a full two months to decide whether or not this program is for you.Remember, Skinny Protocol Program is about your PHYSICAL FREEDOM. It means no more strict dietary rules and no more expensive gym memberships or personal trainers required.And because of this, I have absolutely no problem with taking all of the risk on my shoulders…And letting you take a full 60 day trial of the program that saved my life… with no strings attached.So go ahead and get started now by clicking the yellow button you see below.And if you’re not satisfied for any reason whatsoever, just send an email to the address I’ll give you inside the guide, and I’ll INSTANTLY refund your entire investment with zero questions asked.  This presentation is about to end…Which means you now only have a few seconds to make the decision that will reshape your body and your life forever.Ultimately, the choice is yours…But if you decide to leave this page without at least giving Skinny Protocol Program a risk-free trial run, what will change?Is one of the diets you’ve already tried in the past going to “magically” work this time around?Are you going to stick with your New Years Resolution to lose weight for the entire next year… and keep that weight off forever?No other “option” works and you’ve wasted years figuring that out the hard way…So it’s time to make the easy decision that’s right in front of you.It’s not your fault you weren’t born with more belly-busting bacteria.But now that you can balance your system in your favor, why wouldn’t you?It’s so simple.Get your food list… your kick starter kit… your day-by-day guide… your “cheat sheets,” your cholesterol fix plan, and everything else that’s included right now…And smile at yourself in 30 days from now… when you look in the mirror and see a body so strong, so tone, so FIT… that it’s almost hard to recognize yourself.Thanks for reading this presentation, and I can’t wait to hear about your success using Skinny Protocol Program.Sincerely,Garrett Branch


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