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Travis Eliot – Twist and flow 60 min

Travis Eliot – Twist and Flow 60 min
[WebRip – 1 MP4]

Description Year: 2015Level: Intermediatestyle: Power, VinyasaFocus: Cardio, Super Flow Sweaty, Core, StrengthA 60-minute, Vinyasa-style class led by Travis Eliot. Focus is on twists and cardio, as well as super sweaty flow and body detoxification. You’ll cover several yoga poses in this class, including Triangle, Warrior 2, and assorted folds forward.Warrior 2, or virabhadrasana 2, is a beneficial standing yoga pose designed to strengthen the arms and legs, tone the abdomen, and open the chest and shoulders. Triangle Pose, or utthita trikonasana, is another standing pose that frequently follows Warrior 2. It strengthens the legs, groins, hamstrings, and hips while also opening the shoulders and chest. It is sometimes used to relieve back pain.


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