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Larry Napier – Releasing The LION: Rediscovering The Right Brain HEART

Larry Napier – Releasing The LION
[eBooks – 1 MOBI + 1 EPUB + 1 AZW]



Please keep this material exclusive to! Sharing it elswhere will get you banned!Larry Napier –  Releasing The LION: Rediscovering The Right Brain HEART [eBooks – 1 MOBI + 1 EPUB + 1 AZW]Product Page:…Description:Quote:You are reading because you’re still seeking; you are a Seeker. Your reading proves that you have not found the answer for the unfulfilled longing that comes from The-LION-Genius locked in a cage deep in Your-HEART.Ancient Hebrew and Nature reveal that you have had The-HEART of a LION-Genius since conception and you prove it every day! The Ancient Hebrew path leads to the ONLY Door out of The-LION-Cage and the ONLY entrance into the Cocoon of Our-Hearts where we can experience Authentic Transformation that will allow us to soar on the “Wings of the Wind”.Ancient Hebrew declares that every thought comes from an IMAGE and those IMAGES are found in The-HEART. The Language of The-HEART is visual not verbal! There is something to be seen! Not just heard, read or memorized! The Right-Brain-LION SEES . . . there is just not anything worth sharing other than the cry of desperation when all The-LION can see are the bars of The-Left-Brain-Cage. At long last Your Lion has lead you here . . . The-Cage door is unlocked . . . all you have to do is open The-Door to The Ancient Hebrew IMAGE-Maker.


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