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Bashar – The Hour of Power (2018-09-29)

Bashar – The Hour of Power (2018-09-29)
[WebRip – 2 MP4, 2 MP3, 1 PDF]


Description this session, Bashar shares a very powerful stabilizing tool for maintaining your balance during the rapids ahead! This one hour meditation is designed as a master permission slip to help you tap into your true self-empowerment, as well as deepen your understanding of how to experience of inner peace.Session Date: September 29, 2018Location: Los Angeles, CASession Length: 2+ HoursQ&A includes:    • Could you comment on how people past lives effect their “cell memory”?    • Why was my baby born with a disability?    • Can you further explain the idea of the 13th step?    • What is destiny from your perspective?    • Did people choose to be born into poverty?    • Is there really life after death?    • As a first contact specialist, what can you share with us about your recent discoveries?  Bashar introduces a new species.    • I’ve hit a “wall” with my projects.  What can I do to shake it?    • Could you speak on the ruins of Gobekli Tepe in Turkey?    • Could you speak more on the mechanism of co-creation? Bashar discusses the Mandela effect.    • What is the purpose of fluoride in the body?    • Who were the beings I met on a ship?    • Will I get used to the new feelings I am experiencing in my body?    • Can you speak more on the ascension process?    • Do you have any healing modalities on your planet?    • What is special about November 11?    • Could you comment more on “pi”?    • Was the moon terraformed?    • Could you comment more on your timing experience when you do these sessions with us?    • How do you experience traveling in space?  Bashar describes the disappearance and reappearance of electrons.      • Is the Universe trying to tell me something by my losing my voice?    • I remember as a child knowing that I put myself here.  What was the purpose of that knowledge?    • I had a dream about a serpent.  What did that signify?    • Why did my hybrid child choose the name “chrysanthemum” as a name?    • Are the Annunaki still in existence?    • Is there anything we can proactively do to improve the reality of our economy?    • How can we shift to a balanced energetic exchange system?    • As business owners what are ways to be prepared for the acceleration of energies?    • As a people manager, how do you deal with underperforming staff?    • Will there be any activity at Yellowstone in 2019?    • Will there be a terrorist attack in New York in 2019?    • What is the meaning of “12” in numerology?    • What is the difference between no insistence and persevering to a goal?    • Could you comment more on your advice of not “jumping if you don’t believe you have a parachute”?    • If creation supports us unconditionally, why do we experience repercussions?    • How can we recognize a message coming from our higher mind instead of our physical mind?    And much more!


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