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Barbara Robins – AAPs – Alignment Activation Protocols™

Barbara Robins – AAPs – Alignment Activation Protocols™
[ Webrip – 42 MP4 ]



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Harv Eker, Berny Dohrmann, Blair Singer, Alex Mandossian, Michael E. Gerber, Libby Gill and Joel Roberts.How It BeganEverything inside me said “do it again… and again… and again.” The puncturing sound and physical sensation of the pencil point through the vinyl seat cushion was mesmerizing. If you love popping bubble wrap you may have an idea of what I was feeling… So I kept poking holes in the seat cushion of our kitchen chair until my mother caught me. I was four years old.The intensity of her anger seemed a little much as I wasn’t just poking random holes in the cushion. I had thought this through and was making a flower.Before I could outline the petals and leaves I was stopped. That chair with the unfinished flower that looked like a lollipop was banished to the basement.This was a sign of things to come! I’ve been poking at things ever since. But, not simply to punch holes. My fascination is with breaking through barriers, to discovery, where one would say “what if___?” What if we tried it another way? What if we looked at it from a different direction? …. That is the beginning of creativity – thinking outside the box.Hi, I’m Barbara Robins,The Energy Optimizer and founder of Happy Business Results, Into This Moment Training, Healing Is Fun Sessions, and Timeless Vibrations AAPs. My passion and focus is to accelerate transformation in a way that is fun, fast, powerful and easy for you. I help you master your skills, bring your business to its full potential, and fully express your life’s purpose. [*AAPs stands for Alignment Activation Protocols™ which are the series of Vibrational Resonance Frequences™ arranged like a musical score. These energy optimization services are available to you On-Demand, and as Mp3s and CDs.Chakra BalancingOptimizes, balances, centers and stabilizes your chakras, meridians, nadis, aura, and merkaba. It’s great to use every day.Emerging From CatastropheDisaster Relief & Emerging from Catastrophe. Hurricanes, Tsunamis, Fire, and Other Disasters. Relief from Loss, Fear, Uncertainty, Exhaustion, Grief, and Adversity. If you are playing this for someone else just think to yourself “Please play this for __(name)____.”Smart Meter ShieldMonthly subscription program that runs from my office, shields you 24/7 from the Radio Frequencies and Electro-Magnetic Frequencies of cel phones, smart meters, WIFI, cordless phones, baby monitors and other man made frequencies that are harmful to your physical body and wellbeing.Abundance & Success1. Raises the set point of your money blueprint, 2. Releases attachments that hold you back, 3. Creates congruency with being spiritual and rich, 4. Effortlessly willing to “do what it takes.”, 5. Opens the pathways to your full potential, and more.After Session CleanupFor therapists/energy workers to thoroughly disconnect from client.Anger, Bitterness, Resentment ResolutionSome of the biggest things that keep us from moving forward are anger, bitterness and resentment. And, not only do they keep us stuck they keep those we are angry, etc at stuck as well. I can hear you thinking “Well, having them stuck is fine with me, they deserve it!” Maybe they do, but, do you deserve to be stuck? NO! So leave anger, bitterness and resentment behind.Attention, Focus, & Information RetentionWhether it’s in school, on the job, while driving, etc. these optimizations help you maintain attention and focus as well as clear the blocks you have to retain the information that you would like to remember.Attracting True LoveThis AAP is like an energetic makeover for you, clearing your blocks and resistances to love, and getting you on the right path so you’ll “bump” into love effortlessly…. trust that the timing will be perfect. To take the edge off while you are waiting for your love to show up, see My Harmonic Life Partner, below. It really helps single women when you are feeling stressed and edgy because your man is not in your life. For men, see For Men Only below.Bounce BackFor fast recovery from physical ailments. Antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic, antitumor properties.Breakthrough Your Life Kryptonite/Jumpstart Your Wealth GeneFor times when you are feeling weak, depressed, feeling held back from accomplishing anything, like when Superman encounters kryptonite.Breastfeeding SuccessThis is great even if you’re not breastfeeding as it elevates the feeling good hormones.Cancer & Tumor ClearingThis helps with the emotional challenges one may experience, the regeneration and rebuilding of normal cells and contains the vibrations for many known natural cancer killersClear Off World Diseases and ImplantsSome of our maladies are not from this planet. I can test to see if this is beneficial for you. Just send me an email and I’ll check.Concussion RecoveryFor accelerated recovery after incurring a concussionFabulous Body, Ideal WeightAddresses all the underlying emotional issues and patterns affecting your weight as well as your body’s physical processing of food, including metabolic Syndrome issues.Family and Holiday HealingFamily interactions, celebrations, festivities and societal expectations can all act as triggers for old wounds. By identifying and resolving the energetic roots of these triggers we become stronger and more resilient both now and throughout the rest of the year. This AAP focuses on the concepts:  • Believing You Are Enough  • Finding Peace with the Past  • Healing Familial Wounds  • Finding Meaning in Trauma  • Choosing to Respond with Presence  • And, the feelings that arise during and after holidays, such as, depression, overwhelm, anxiety and, tension between family members.   This AAP is also helpful throughout the year, anytime you are feeling overwhelmed with too much to do or have family relationship issues.Feeling Unconditionally LovedFeel loved and accepted just as you areFor Men Only: Virtual Blow JobCreates sense of wellbeing. Diffuses Anger/Overdrive. This is not intended for sexual release. Women – for yourself run “My Harmonic Life Partner” below.Habits & Addictions ReleaseFor accelerated release from habits or addictionsHappy TalkThe more precisely we imagine those things we truly desire, the greater our likelyhood of receiving those thing we truly want.Life of Effortless EaseFor the feeling that your life is flowing easily and effortlesslyMarijuana MellowGives you sweet calm feelings. You do not get high from this. You do not get the munchies. You may find things more humorous than usual.Meditation PortalAn invitation to openness. This AAP for spiritual clarity amplifies your meditation experience by opening and optimizing your channels of intuitive understanding, and aligns you with 10th Dimension master guides.My Harmonic Life PartnerYou will feel much more calm and fulfilled after playing this. Men: see above “For Men Only: Virtual Blow Job”.OMG! I’ve Eaten Gluten/DairyTo quickly clear adverse reactions after eating gluten and/or dairyPerson to Product HarmonizingNeutralizes fears, resistances and insensitivity so you or others will know, accept and desire what is for their highest good. Also great for estate sales to clear the energy of the homeowner from the products for sale.Power of the LotusClears stress, traumas, fear, anxiety, anger and other negative emotions.Rose Quartz Gem ElixirPromotes self-fulfillment and peace, restores balance to the emotions. Physical: Helps the body to release muscular cramping, useful during one’s menstrual cycle, birthing and after strenuous exercise. Helps the body to absorb magnesium. Emotional: Brings calmness and clarity to the emotional state and assists one in trusting one’s own truth and decisions.Ruby Gem ElixirPreserves the body and improves general health. Stimulates the heart chakra and helps one to reach their most sought after goals. Physical: Strengthens tissues directly connected with the heart, treats the heart muscle. Helps to reduce fear and assist the body in flushing chemical toxins. Emotional: Creates balance in spiritual endeavors, brings about a state of stability and confidence and improves ones ability to deflect negativity.TransitionsEverything in life is based on transition. Your successes are almost entirely based on how well or how poorly you handle the transitions. This AAP aligns you to the process for ease and acceptance of the experience. Reader, The idea that you could capture the energy of healing vibrations fascinated me, so I produced a CD in which I embedded my healing vibrations. The results were truly astonishing!That was several years ago. Since then I have created energy vibration recordings for very specific needs, based on the requests of my clients. I encourage you to read the testimonials of the people who have used these recordings to change their lives.Easily and effortlessly, each time you play one of these Timeless Vibrations™ Energy Healing Mp3s or CDs you receive a deeper level of healing, clearing and releasing of old issues. Talk about an effortless way to better your life- Just Click and Play. It’s that simple! You can also contact me for a Timeless Vibratons individual session. Enjoy the Energy,Barbara Robins


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