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George Hutton – Hero’s Journey: Discover Your True Purpose and Make Life An Epic Adventure

George Hutton – Hero’s Journey_ Discover Your True Purpose and Make Life An Epic Adventure
[1 ebook – AZW3, EPUB, MOBI, PDF]



Each of us has the capacity for greatness. We know this because of the stories we tell other. The stories we have been telling each other since before recorded history. The same stories that resonate with us today.The Reason For The Hero’s JourneyAll mythology, modern fiction, and Hollywood blockbusters follow this template. Joseph Campbell called it the Hero’s Journey for a very important reason. We are the hero, and we have been put here to discover our own journey.Have You Been Called Yet?Every hero starts out wandering, alone, unsure. Then something happens that forces him or her on their journey. Most of us are still waiting. This guide will teach you how to find, define and create your own hero’s journey. To find opportunities where you least expect them.Stories Are PracticeThese stories offer us guidance, support, and examples of how to live. They follow such a similar structure because our lives follow a similar structure. The same things you worry about are the same things ancient humans worry about.Those are the very same things your heroes worry about before they get called onto their epic adventures. When they learn their hidden skills, build a crew, and get ready to conquer evil.Gear Up – The Battle Is ComingYou’ll learn how to use any hero story you like and see yourself in it. How to use it for motivation and inspiration to conquer your own life. To charge headlong into battle and destroy any enemy you meet. Whether it’s your boss, your competition, or your fear of public speaking.Demons Are EverywhereMost people ignore their fears. Hide from them. Live a life of safety, complacency, and mediocrity. What about you? Do you easily shun fear, avoid confrontation, take the easy route? Or do you embrace difficulty and take any challenge you can find?The Choice Is Always YoursYou’ll learn why most of us have fear, and how to get over it. You’ll learn why most people take the safe route, the easy route, the comfortable route. You’ll learn how to use any hero as a secret role model to help you destroy any anxiety or fear holding you back.Enjoy Entertainment The Way It Was IntendedWe all have the deep structures in our brains that resonate with the hero’s journey stories. That is because we very much need to refer to our heroes on a daily basis. We’ve been telling each other these stories since the dawn of time because we need them.Embrace Every BattleNever again will you long for a life of fantasy. You’ll learn to embrace the daily battles for what they are. An opportunity to demonstrate your heroic leadership to all your friends and colleagues. They’ll wonder what’s gotten into you. They’ll wonder why you are no longer like every other safety seeking clinger to mediocrity. They’ll see you for who you truly are: Re-Discover Ancient Heroic ResonanceYou’ll learn to find this in every comic book, every TV show, and every blockbuster movie. Once you truly understand the hero’s journey structure, you’ll see it everywhere. You’ll embrace it everywhere. You’ll live it everywhere. And life will never look the same again.


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