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Gordon Emmerson – Healthy Parts Happy Self: 3 Steps to Like Yourself

Gordon Emmerson – Healthy Parts Happy Self
[eBook – 1 MOBI + 1 AZW3 + 1 EPUB]


Please keep this material exclusive to! Sharing it elsewhere will get you banned!Gordon Emmerson – Healthy Parts Happy Self: 3 Steps to Like Yourself [eBook – 1 MOBI + 1 AZW3 + 1 EPUB]Product Page:…Quote:Do your emotions get in your way? Do they cause you to eat, buy, or react in a way you don’t want?Are there times when there is a battle on the inside?When our inner parts are at peace and when they all feel safe and supported we can be our true selves. There is no better gift to give ourselves and our friends.Addictions are a reaction to unhappy parts and when these parts get what they need and deserve we can live the lives we want.We can enjoy all aspects of life better when we have the best part out.Open and visible to PU+ as per new rules


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