Hans Comyn – The Way of a Seducer
Hans Comyn – The Way of a Seducer
[Englisg & Spanish] [Webrip – 6 DOCS]
**** elib Exclusive **** Help us keep elib all the more special for its exclusivity.Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this available outside of our community.Thanks for keeping elib awesome!After lot of EFFORTS this exclusive material brought to you by the participants of the Hans Comyn – The Way of a Seducer GBThis GB is CLOSED – Comyn – The Way of a Seducer Product Description The Way of a Seducer is a complete hands-on program on how to become a masterful seducer. It is divided into 3 modules:1. Seduction as a practice in self-expression (presence, desire, anger)2. Seduction as a dance for two (generosity, leadership, inclusivity)3. The darker side of seduction (the language of women, what women want, your masculine edge)Module 1 contains 4 Mission in self-expression you are to complete on your own. When you complete these missions, you will be invited to participate in the Interactive part of the course (Spring or Fall), which includes 2 weekly calls, daily interactions on a private facebook group, coaching by me and my team (1-on-1, circling…), and a lifelong connection to me and the community we are co-creating.Are you committed to be great with women, or do you just say you are?Think of a woman that really fascinates you…Does she, or any woman like her, think of you when she goes to bed? Does this type of woman lust or pine for a man like you?If not, why not?To be(come) that man is what this course aims for, and if you are committed to this goal, we will not give up before we have reached it. Imagine you feel the same abundance a woman feels because of her beauty… imagine how it would feel when no woman is out of your league any more…— If you are thinking right now this type of greatness is not possible for you, I will tell you that thought is the main obstacle to your greatness. I will also tell you you need to do all it takes to get to that state, because only there and then will you be able to make a heartfelt choice for the woman that is right for you. If you are committed to become great, I will help you get there no matter what —How will we make this happen? Through an intensive 3-month mission-based program, with the hands-on help of me, my coaching team and 10 other men that are equally committed to greatness as you are. There are specific traits to every man beautiful women dream about. Traits that make the difference between being a charming man and a magnetic man. Traits that transform you from the kind of man she likes the company of and converse with, to the kind of man she cannot stop thinking about. Just talking about some of these traits is politically incorrect, but their exploration is pivotal if you ever want to tap into your full seductive prowess. Suffice it to say that a nice guy is never really successful with women?The Way of a Seducer ONLINE Course will transform you from the man with little or not success with women, to a man who is good with women… to a man who is great with women.What are the traits of a masterful seducer? What man do beautiful women yearn for? After many years devoted to seduction, I have come up with 10 traits you need to master if you want to become a great man, live in abundance and choose the woman that is good for you. he is present as fuck he is a man of action he celebrates his desire he is in touch with his anger he is generous he is a leader of his tribe he is inclusive of the other he speaks the language of women he gets the darker side of seduction he has gratitudeThe Way of a Seducer ONLINE Course will give you theory, missions, videos, interviews, discussions, coaching… that will allow you to master each of these traits.A key feature of this course that allows for this transformation and mastery is a tribe of allies. You will be receive the assistance of 10 other men equally committed to greatness as you are, as well as the coaching by me and my coaching team. We will hide nothing and face everything, and we will not stop until you are walking the path of greatness.Each week, 3 months long, we will explore a different theme that is pivotal to your greatness with women. You will be given a mission, theory, interviews, demos, videos…During the week you will connect with your triad, a small group of fellow course participants, and at the end of the week we will all gather for our weekly conference call.A few more things you can expect:– You’ll be offered a minimum of two 1 on 1 coaching sessions with me, where you can dive into the areas that matter most to you. This individual attentions is a space where you can see what is holding you back, find opportunities for growth, and discover what you need to take it to the next level.– For most themes there will be a pre-recorded webinar with me and an expert on a certain topic who will help to uncover the core principles of that week’s theme and offer you practical ways to embody those principles.– Per request, the facilitation team will offer live and interactive webinars on your topic of choice. (The most recent webinars dealt with online dating, threesomes and presence)– You will be invited to participate in circling, a practice where participants often experience a deeper level of presence and connection and can have meaningful insights as they discover blind spots in their awareness.– Every class is restricted to 10 men to ensure an experience tailored to the needs of participants. Recordings of the conference calls and an overview of all the content.– Upon finishing this course, you will be plugged into our community of extraordinary men for life.Weblink : https://www.hanscomyn.com/way-of-a-seducer/
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