Elisha Celeste – Fascia Release 101 COMPLETE
Elisha Celeste – Fascia Release 101 COMPLETE
[ Webrip – 82 MP4 , 16 PDF , 1 JPEG , 2 EXCEL ]
**** elib Exclusive ****Help us keep elib.tech all the more special for its exclusivity.Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this product available outside of our community.Thanks for keeping elib.tech awesome! GB Status : CLOSED GB Page : Elisha Celeste – Fascia Release 101 & Kinetix Partner Fascia Release GB You and your body have been through a lot already.Imagine living the rest of your life feeling at ease and at home in your mind and body.The reason you feel stuck or struggle to heal quickly when pain, injury or trauma happen is because you haven’t learned how to confront – and heal – yourself. This isn’t your fault. Most of us weren’t taught this. We’ve been taught to believe other people know more about our bodies, hearts and minds than us, and maybe most dangerous of all: that pain is something to be afraid of.Pain is nothing more than a sign we are OUT OF INTEGRITY somewhere: physically, mentally, emotionally. You already possess – right now – the wisdom and ingredients you need to bring yourself into alignment: mind, body and spirit. I want to see you confident and unafraid of adversity, because the truth is:You’re capable of healing yourself from minor and massive pain – whether recent injuries, childhood trauma or chronic pain.You’re capable of knowing what your body is telling you when you feel pain, anxiety, tension etc.You’re capable of being your own body’s expert.You’re capable of moving stress and trauma out of your body, which will free you up to pursue life on your terms.You’re capable of preventing most common injuries.When pain does happen (because some pain is inevitable, unless you live in a bubble) you’re capable of recovering far faster than you’ve been led to believe is “normal.”You’re capable of tapping into your own mind-body connection to rewire your body and brain.You’re capable of healing rapidly, FEELING MORE HUMAN and experiencing life at deeper and higher levels when you allow pain its rightful place in your life: whether physical, psychological emotional or spiritual. You’re capable of living – and aging – with vibrancy!FASCIA, THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH?Remember when you were a kid? If you were like me you jumped out of trees, maybe off your rooftop (didn’t you want to know if you could fly?! haha) and sometimes it meant stealing your brother’s skateboard and taking it down the steepest hill in town, only to wipe out at top speed, bare-kneed onto the cement. But you recovered so fast you barely noticed! A big reason we could do all that when we were kids is because our fascia (or connective tissue) had all the right ingredients to “absorb” those falls and REPAIR us fast. The reason we lose it?Mounting stress (mental and emotional), trauma (physical and emotional), daily habits and activities that create internal build-up as we get older. Your body did its best to absorb all that for you, but it’s not a bottomless trash can (we tend to store everything in our bodies without moving it OUT). By the time you get a pain signal, your body has done what it can and it’s time for YOU to step in and CLEAN HOUSE.That’s where Kinetix comes in. Fascia (or connective tissue) is a soft tissue structure that you wear like a 3-D suit under your skin; it’s literally what holds you up! Without it you would fall to the ground in a pile of bones, organs and water. There are many kinds of fascia, some dense (like tendons) and some more fluid (like the extracellular matrix which is responsible for your youthful SPRING). Blood is actually categorized as a type of connective tissue, and you have far more blood within the fascia system than anywhere else! What does every cell in your body need to repair itself? BLOOD. What stops blood from flowing freely through your body? Fascial restrictions. Fascia gives us our shape and texture, and it directly informs how you move through life while being informed itself by how YOU are moving through life. Your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, life experiences, values and commitments are mirrored back to you by the shape and texture of your fascia, combined with your nervous system patterns.When you’re willing to CONFRONT YOURSELF, you can heal anything.If you’re willing to do the work – you can become practically superhuman. Kinetix can help you become super self-aware, make the unconscious conscious, reverse decades of tension and trauma and restore your interior landscape to a state of fluidity and freedom. The first steps on this path await you inside this course. I’ll walk you through what to expect when stepping on someone and getting stepped on; why fascial release is the most efficient way to move trauma and stress out of the body and how common pain issues (like hip pain, heel pain, carpal tunnel etc) can disappear as a byproduct of releasing fascia throughout the entire body.If you’re in pain right now, consider this:Pain is your brain and body’s only means of getting your attention when danger is detected. YOUR JOB is to figure out if the threat is credible.SOMETIMES THE THREAT IS INTERNAL – if you’re conflicted inside because you’re not living your truth – your body will reflect that back to you with pain, anxiety or physical tension. The SOLUTION is to discover the truth of who you are and consciously create a more harmonious internal environment. You can discover who you are, interrupt neural pathways and rewire your brain with Kinetix. SOMETIMES THE THREAT IS STRUCTURAL – your pelvis may be unstable, a joint could be irritated from lack of blood flow, or maybe a nerve is compressed. Your job is to bring integrity back. Kinetix will help you do that, because fascia is responsible for most structural integrity within the human body (joints, nerves, bones, and muscle will all follow the fascia like puppets on strings). SOMETIMES THE THREAT IS PERCEIVED (DUE TO INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL CIRCUMSTANCES) – maybe you’re in an abusive relationship; you hate your job; you don’t love yourself or you experienced intense trauma in childhood that you can’t seem to heal from. The brain and body don’t know the difference between purely physical threats and threats to your well being on a more psychological level. Your body may be playing out perceived danger that has nothing to do with your physical structure. Kinetix can interrupt those old patterns and help you bring integrity to your mind body connection. I believe pain is a wake up call and an opportunity to build or strengthen your resilience.When you take radical responsibility for the quality of your body and mind from the inside out -you can create an extraordinary inner light that no injury, accident or trauma can extinguish from that point forward.In fact, I believe when you get to know your body at this level and make a promise to take care of it – it can become your most trusted guide in life and a limitless source of wisdom, energy, aliveness and freedom.That’s why I created this course – to teach you and a partner how tap into the wisdom you already possess inside and help each other move stress, tension and pain out of your body so you can have more energy, feel alive and gain more freedom.https://mobilitymastery.mykajabi.com/Kinetix Partner Fascia Release + Fascia Release 101What you get in Kinetix Partner Fascia Release: 22 Kinetix Partner techniques demonstrated professionally filmed with close ups and fully broken down so you know how to perform them well Full upper body techniques (for upper body pain) Full lower body techniques (for lower body pain, including low back pain) How to get results How to “map” fascia and find the root cause of pain How to step on someone, and how to be stepped on How to do Kinetix SAFELY Why “partnering” with someone for healing can make all the difference, and how to do it well Nervous system reactivity – understanding this makes all the difference! BONUS mini-course: How to Heal Anything (in 5 steps) Private Facebook group that includes past graduates of the course and current students, moderated by meWhat you’ll get in FASCIA RELEASE 101: 50+ Head to toe self help fascia release techniques broken down and demonstrated fully so you know you’re doing them right Options/variations for every body part (like calves, quads etc) using different tools or set-ups Guide: how to find the root cause of pain using self-fascia release How to rewire your brain by changing your body Guide: how to do fascia release safely and effectively (everything you need to know about fascia to get results) A private Facebook group for community support Identify head toe common pain patterns, and how to problem solve them (like medial knee pain vs lateral knee pain)What you’ll get (combined): FREE bonus course: Mind Body BreakthroughTHIS COURSE IS FOR YOU IF:You want to learn about your body, what you’re made of (physically and emotionally) and how to take care of yourself so you can perform at your best. You want to become more self-aware, discover key patterns that have been running your life from the background and rewire your brain via the body. If you want to feel fluid, buoyant and physically JOYFUL – like a kid again!You’re committed to your own health and vibrancy not just as a quick-fix for now, but for a lifetime. You believe you can heal anything. You want to stop being afraid of pain and learn to get yourself out of pain (whenever you can). You’re willing to face the hard stuff in life – whether physical, psychological or emotional pain, injury and trauma – and you’re willing to do whatever it takes to THRIVE. why did i create this course?I know what it’s like to feel trapped inside a body and mind I don’t understand and don’t know how to help. I was mentally, emotionally and physically tormented by unhealed childhood trauma for more than a decade, and at the same time had knee pain that was so debilitating I stopped running for 8 years and hiking for 6, even though these were the activities that gave me the most joy in life.I know what it’s like to feel 1000% invested in my own healing but feel like I’m just spinning wheels. When it came to healing my own trauma and injuries, no single modality or approach ever gave me the kind of straight-arrow access to a deeper knowing within that I instinctively felt needed to involve to heal fully.Now I know we all possess this deeper intelligence: it’s the part of us that knows all our secrets and holds the blueprint for true self-actualization. Call it our higher self, a higher consciousness, our soul or spirit..this intelligence lives in our bodies, within the fascia and will always help us heal as fast and as fully as we’re willing.Often, this requires getting ourselves (the monkey mind) out of the way!When I discovered I could heal myself at the deepest root level by addressing the exact places in my body where stuck emotions, accumulated tension and neural pathways live, and do this with the help of a partner (in my case, my best friend – not an “expert” but someone who loved me and was invested in my well-being alongside me) I was able to heal years of pain very rapidly.My knee pain resolved fully within two weeks and I began trail running and climbing mountains. I’ve stood on the summit of 48 Colorado 14ers so far, including many class 3 and 4 climbs and I often RUN down them, something I once thought impossible because of my knees. The deeper trauma followed over the next two years and fully left my nervous system and body by 2014. I never knew I could feel this free and I want to help anyone else who felt trapped like I did experience the kind of freedom I know is possible.If you believe that only YOU can heal you; if you’ve been waiting to find a method that does NOT fuck around and you love the idea of being given total ownership of the process; and if you’re willing do whatever it takes to heal – Kinetix offers that, and I will do anything I can to help you. I created this course for YOU. )
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