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Dalai Lama – The Meaning Of Life

Dalai Lama – The Meaning of Life
[Audiobook – 48kbps MP3]


Dalai Lama – The Meaning Of Life [Audiobook – 48kbps MP3]Read By Ken McCloudThe Dalai Lama never shies away from the big questions. The Meaning of Life is a collection of lectures given in London in 1984 on the Buddhist worldview, before he had won the Nobel Peace Prize or become a bestselling author in English. Still, his message is essentially the same: practice nonviolence, cultivate altruism, and transform consciousness. In these lectures, the Dalai Lama begins with a painting of the wheel of cyclic existence, depicting the levels of karmic existence and symbols of the 12 links of dependent-arising. In other words, this painting, presented in seven color plates, is a visual summation of the basic tenets of Buddhism. The Dalai Lama draws on the painting to explain the 12 links of dependent-arising and then the path that leads to liberation from them. A nuts and bolts book, readers will enjoy it for its detail and for the broad range of questions elicited in listeners. –Brian Bruya –This text refers to the Paperback edition. This captivating but often confusing program features the philosophical thinking of one of our greatest spiritual leaders. More esoteric than THE ART OF HAPPINESS, this title delves into aspects of metaphysical causation that will be hard to follow if you are not familiar with the Buddhist concept of determination. Buddhists reject the Western notion of dependence on physical resources, a rejection that will be a challenge for traditionally educated Americans. While the program’s language can be comprehended by people of all philosophical persuasions, the abridgment is confusing. But by the end of the program most people will feel they’ve been listening to something powerful and will want to hear it again anyway.


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