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John Berardi – The Essential Berardi + Mr.Nutrition Interview

The Essential Berardi + MR.Nutrition Interview


THE ESSENTIAL BERARDIABOUT JOHN BERARDI – P.3-4CHAPTER 1 – NUTRITION BASICS: P.5-17In this chapter, Dr Berardi presents several basic strategies for good nutrition that will notonly help you achieve the body composition you desire but also the lasting health youdesire.1.1 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Nutritional Strategies1.2 Covering Your Nutritional Bases1.3 Defeating Dietary Displacement Part 11.4 Defeating Dietary Displacement Part 2CHAPTER 2 – STRATEGIES FOR FAT LOSS: P.18-27In chapter 2, Dr Berardi presents a two-part article giving a brief history of the dietindustry and then debunking some common nutritional myths.2.1 Lean Eatin’ Part 12.2 Lean Eatin’ Part 2CHAPTER 3 – STRATEGIES FOR MUSCLE GAIN: P.28-37In this final chapter, Dr. Berardi presents another two-part article discussing the onemistake most people make when trying to gain weight and then lays out a strategy foreating to gain muscle while minimizing fat gain. This article, published nearly 5 yearsago, has remained Dr. Berardi’s most popular. And although Dr Berardi does suggestthat there are other ways to gain muscle than the Massive Eating program, this programhas helped so many people gain muscle mass while minimizing fat mass that it shouldalways be part of your arsenal.3.1 Massive Eating Part 13.2 Massive Eating Part 2Great start, great nutritional/bodybuilding gurualso includes an interview with great information.Check him out on t-nation!!


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