F.J. Shark – “Pre-Valentine’s Day” Q & A teleconference
F.J. Shark – ‘Pre-Valentine’s Day’ Q & A Teleconference.wav
[Audio – WAV]
“Pre-Valentine’s Day” Q & A tele-conferencequickly turned into a mini “Jerk School” or “Bad Boy Boot Camp”.The bad news could be that a few minutes ofthe call was recorded before the officialstart time,so you’re going to hear somebanter before Shark get on the call 10seconds before the official start time.As you listen be sure to fill in the blanks toShark revealing his new phrase:Bad Boys _______ ____ women who secretly _____ to be ___ _____ behind ______ _____….you’ll also discover:-What F.J. Shark learned at a downtown tradeshow that changed the way he view and approachwomen forever.-How F.J. Shark accidentally found out that hewas rated as a 3 out of 10 by the girls when hewas “too nice” in grammar school – Ouch!-How he went from a girl telling him that shedidn’t want his rose, to a girl bringing HIM flowers and baking him her home made cookies. -Yum. Remember, Bad Boys are made not born.And the best part is that there’s no motorcycle or leather jacket required.
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