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Gerald Kein – Ultra Height Self-hypnosis

Gerald Kein – Ultra Height Self-hypnosis
[1 mp3 + 1 doc]


Description a state of deep physical hypnosis combined with the lifting of your mind to a state of extremely hightned awareness. Discover your unknown abilities of healing and forgivness. NOTE: This is a long program(Length-55min)I recommend you check out ultra-height state to see what you can expect yourself first:Gerald Kein – Ultra Height Hypnosis [1 DVD Rip -AVI] Kein wrote:*6:40 into video*What are some of the characteristics that I seem to discover with people that are able to go into this higher level, and who are the people that are able to go into it?Well they are the exact same type of people that are able to go into very deep level of hypnosis – coma and bellow. In other words, fearless people. Remeber the rule – there is no such thing as good subject or a bad subject – that’s old terminology, that doesn’t count anymore. We are all human beings, we are have equal capabilities when it comes to hypnosis. So if you understand that people accept hypnosis in direct to the amount of fear they have, it becomes then more logical. No fear – you can have the deepest of all levels of hypnosis; small fear – cuts it back and cuts it bakc and cuts it back until you can’t have any hypnosis at all. So the fearless people are the ones that can experience these states.And what does it look like?When a person is in what I’ve classified as ultra-height, the physical body is extremely relaxed, it’s like turned off, it’s just not an important part of that person. Yet the mind is totaly alert, very powerfuly alert, but their mind is not connected with the everyday problems of their life that people have, it’s well beyond that, it’s interested in more grand concepts. And the person becomes very much aware, this is what I’ve heard, that they know what their real abilities are, it becomes very very clear to them. Although, after they emerge, at this point, they don’t have that feeling anymore that they knew when they were in this higher state. In other words, once the conscious mind takes over and replaces the apparently the restrictions on and tells you what you can’t do, instead of what you can do. Benefits: (or why did I upload this?)It’s also like the coma state and bellow, a state in which pain is completely blocked, there is no ability of individual to feel any type of discomfort whatsoever. It seems also that there is a communication opens up that doesn’t seem to really be available in what we would think of as normal levels of hypnosis, in which there is a ability to communicate between the person’s, for lack of better term lets call their superconscious or higher conscious, and their conscious mind in their normal state. Normaly in hypnosis the conscious mind is a very debilitating and restricting factor of hypnosis. In ultra height it seems to become part of the team, part of the player somehow. And I don’t know why. But what happens is, the conscious or the superconscious mind – they can reason with each other, they can analyse suggestion to see if they want it. Suggestions that the superconscious level compared to in coma for example, you know coma is a state of absolut euphoria, and so suggestions of change are not accepted in the coma state, the exact opposite seems to be true in higher levels that we wonna work with – that suggestions have enormous power for the individual. And it’s interesting because maybe you are not even the person giving suggestions in this point, we’ll show you what we mean by that.It seems communication with externaly generated thoughts happens quite frequently. I am not even gonna comment on this, I am just gonna try to explain to you what happens and maybe if we have a person who is fearless, anybody here who is fearless? Maybe we can have a volonteer to see if we can work up to this particular level. It seems, also, that there is a possibility, we are really not into it that much yet, this is where you are gonna have to bring on the experimentation, that it seems as if we are having indications of healing is tremendously enhanced in this area of higher mind…Read pre-induction interview first!!!I took it from Kein’s basic-intermediate-advanced hypnosis training manual. This will determine wheter you’ll be able to get into trance or not. There is a reason why Kein talks how pre-talk is the most important part of hypnosis session.Recommended learning path:I would recommend you invest one week (20-30 minutes every day for a week once you watch the video) into learning self-hypnosis:Gerald Kein – Teaching Self-Hypnosis in One Session [VHS-rip] that you will have these advantages of self-hypnosis:- get into deep somnabulism in 2 seconds- have anestesia at will- give yourself suggestions for change that will be “powerfuly accepted”- if you ever listen to hypnosis tapes you’ll be able to skip induction part (first 5 to 15 minutes) and just start where suggestions start- if you listen to hypnosis tapes you won’t have to worry if you are in trance or not and if you will get out or not, cause you will know when you are in trance- if you listen to hypnosis tapes and if something urgent happens, like a important phone call or some other annoyance, you won’t have to start listening from the beginning again, you’ll be able to just pause the tape and go right back in deep somnabulism within 2 secondsSo that’s it. After this you are ready to reach ultra-hegiht.If you want you can invest your time into mastering coma state, it’s great for stress relief, you feel totaly euphoric and forget about your problems. It’s also supposed to be better to enter ultra-height from coma state than from somnabulism. It took me a few hours to master coma state after I have mastered self-hypnosis.Gerald Kein – The Hypnotic Coma [1 VHS AVI rip] is best self-improvement product I have ever experienced, most powerful by far. I hope you’ll use it and change your life.Good luck!


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