Dr. Richard Bartlett – Matrix Energetics Healing – Waking Up In The Matrix
Matrix Energetics
[1 DVD – AVI]
I’m classifying this under “Health” but it could just as easily fall under the heading of “Hypnotism & NLP” in my opiniion. I’ve seen this guy live a couple of times and he is pretty wild. He’s trained with Bandler and a few other interesting people but what he does is VERY unique. When you watch this, believe it or not, this is Dr. Bartlett TONED DOWN. Live he is WAY wackier and very interesting to watch. His seminars are extremely affordable and you actually practice this stuff – really doing what he does in the seminars which are very hands on, very entertaining, and somethng worth experiencing. More info can be had at: www.matrixenergetics.comThis is an introductory video to Matrix Energetics:Matrix Energetics – a system of healing, self-care and transformationMatrix Energetics is a complete system of healing, self-care and transformation. It is a transferable and teachable phenomenon, powered by intent, which has a physical and observable effect every time. Complete beginners as well as seasoned health care practitioners are able to perform and utilize this work to affect change-with no waiting and no running of energy. Anyone can learn this skill and practice Matrix Energetics.Matrix Energetics starts with a gentle light touch and the power of focused intent and builds into a new and joy-filled state that can affect life changes. This exciting new tool can be used to heal, to transform and to create new possibilities. It’s very much about transforming your beliefs concerning healing, disease and the structure of reality.Matrix Energetics sometimes appears magical in its expression but is based on the laws and expression of subtle energy physics and the concepts and laws of quantum physics, superstring theory and Sheldrake’s Morphic Resonance. Often you will see and feel a wave like motion when Matrix Energetics is applied, as the person being worked on experiences a smooth wave of transformation and the body seems to drop in a completely relaxed wave instantly. This can happen standing up, sitting down or laying on a table. The participants are taught specific methods of using a powerful, focused intent, This is combined with application of a light touch method for identifying the parts of the body where the Matrix Energetics “wave” will yield optimum results. What seems to be happening is that the unconsciousness and the biological physical fields are interacting.
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