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Joseph Riggio – Mythogenic CD

Joseph Riggio – Mythogenic CD
[1 CD – MP3]



This is an Audio CD of Joseph Riggio introducing the Mythogenic Self Process Model. This material is useful for anyone who is exploring personal development, self-growth and self-improvement. Joseph presents the basis of personal power and performance both in your personal relationships and professional interactions. This process goes beyond relaxation, meditation, NLP or hypnosis alone or even in combination in giving you access to and control over your physical responses, states of mind and way of being in the world.Joseph provides an overview of the MythoSelf model, interwoven with stories and metaphors that will give you a real feeling of what it’s like to be present in the room with Joseph at a live training. This is a perfect way to become familiar with the MythoSelf model and how it can and will help you gain a sense of self-confidence, self-awareness and self-knowledge that are usually associated with those people who have attained what is sometimes referred to as “Personal Enlightenment.”The Mythogenic Self Process model is built around Joseph Campbell’s “Hero’s Journey” and Roye Fraser’s “Generative Imprint” Model. On the Audio CD Joseph will walk you through “The Adventure of Your Life” as laid out by Joseph Campbell and present the alternative to working from, out of or through the “problem state” moving directly instead to the “Excitatory State” and the pervasive sense of well-being associated with states of bliss referred to in almost all transformational literature. What makes this so unique is the “real-world” approach and immediate applicability with which Joseph presents this material.You’ll listen to this CD again and again as the material is layered and multi-level in the structure, form and presentation that Joseph uses. Regardless of how familiar (or not) you are with this material there’s something here for everyone … beginner to advanced … you’ll find that over time this will become one of those favorite items that you’ll listen to on your own, share with others and just review whenever you’re in the mood for something truly uplifting and inspiring.


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