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Catalyst – Lucid Dreaming 101

Catalyst – Lucid Dreaming 101
[1PDF + 3 MP3s]



Forfilling my promise from these threads: is a very concise step by step instruction manual I wrote on how to lucid dream.  You could read through it in 10 minutes. The actual PDF is only 3.5 pages + an intro page + a title page. Despite that, this is a complete guide. It has all the information that you need to learn how to Lucid dream. I made sure to get straight to the important points and instructions and not include any fluff. I also included with it some audio files by Steven LaBerge from the book “A concise guide to Awakening in Your Dreams and in Your Life.”   This includes a trance induction and some other, more thorough, explanations of things to use if needed. I had a lot of fun writing this.  I still think it was a lot better decision doing this then just uploading the book I was using. I hope you guys enjoy it as well, and more importantly, I hope it works for you. Any questions, feedback, and of course success stories will be answered and are much appreciated. Also, I don’t think I need to say this but I wrote this for YOU GUYS and ONLY YOU GUYS, so, even though I would be a bit flattered that someone would think its good enough to leak, it would piss me off more, so DON’T DO IT . It would really discourage me from uploading things in the future.ENJOY! – Catalyst VIPS+ now.Power users wait a few days. If your a user, become a power user.  If you guys like this please give me a rating and if not please post some feedback so I can see what parts aren’t clear. Actually try it and post some success stories!!!


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