Mark Cunningham – Advanced Hypnosis 2002 – Incomplete Transcription
Major Mark Cunningham – Advanced Hypnosis 2002 transcript.doc
[1 doc]
These are NOT notes, it is an incompleted attempt to trasnscribe a full seminar word for word.I’ve tried to be as accurate as possible and have attempted to transcribe every word, every sentence, every phrase EXACTLY as spoken. This means that I have included “um’s”, “ah’s”. pause, incomplete sentences, coughs, audience laughter, etc. Where I couldn’t make out the word I’d substitute xxxx in the sentence for the missing word.The difficulty I found with doing this was that the original VHS recording wasn’t too great, especially on audio quality. I was constantly rewinding the tape back to capture minute phrases or correct words. I started this long before I joined the The Place and only had the original VHS tapes to work from. Eventually I abandoned the attempt as it had become to time consuming – it was taking two hours or more to transcribe about 10 minutes of the seminar. I gave up about half way through tape 2 out of 6. I also attempted this on Intro to Hypnosis which had better sound quality, but again found the project too demanding to complete.Please do attempt to use this transcription as regular notes, you really must follow the seminar video for them to mke much sense. The huge benefit of transcribing the seminar in this kind of minute detail was that I was able to fully absorb the material transcribed into my conciousness. I recommend doing it this way if you have a lot of time and patience, but it is a very hard slog.frisbee
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