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Steve Andreas – Six Blind Elephants –

Steve Andreas – Six Blind Elephants
[Book 2 Volumes (SCANS TIF)]



Book DescriptionThis two-volume book presents a detailed “unified field theory” of experience, thinking, and personal change that goes beyond NLP to understand the structure of any experience or change of experience. If you ever find yourself out of choices-either in your own life, or in your work with others-you know how nice it would be to always have something to do next. The fundamental distinction between scope and category offers a way to describe and track someone’s experience-from ordinary troubles and difficulties to positive mystic experiences of union or oneness. The same knowledge provides surprisingly endless possibilities for changing your experience when you want it to be different. Rich with examples gleaned from a variety of different therapists and a lifetime of experience illustrate every aspect described. Brian HarrisThis is a brilliant and practical book. Most people are creating how they feel, how they behave, what and who they attract, and what and who they are attracted to, without knowing HOW thay are doing any of it. For such people, it seems as if life is “just happening.” In Six Blind Elephants, Steve Andreas peeks behind the curtain (or, rather, inside the mind) to describe what we are doing–pretty much on autopilot–to create what happens in our lives. As someone who teaches similar information, I though Steve’s treatment of this material was inspired. If you’re looking for a feel-good inspiriational book, this isn’t for you. But if you want to understand a lot of what you automatically do outside your awareness, and how it generates much of how you feel, how you behave, and what and who you attract and are attracted to–and, you’d like to be more in charge of this creative process–this book is a gem. If you ever find yourself out of choices—either in your own life, or in your work with others—you know how nice it would be to always have something to do next. You’ll learn how the fundamental distinctions of scope, category, and logical level offer a way to describe and track all our experiences—from ordinary troubles and difficulties to positive mystic experiences of union or oneness. The same knowledge provides surprisingly endless possibilities for changing your experience when you want it to be different.The book is illustrated with a multitude of rich examples gleaned from expert therapists—Milton Erickson, Virgina Satir, Frank Farrelly, Leslie Cameron-Bandler, Carl Whitaker, Salvador Minuchin, and many others. Some of these examples would be completely baffling without these understandings.Those who appreciate a rigorous analysis will appreciate the clear discussion of logical levels. Although misunderstood by many previous thinkers, including Gregory Bateson, logical levels provide a simple way to determine where and how to intervene in problems. (Volume II continues this by examining a variety of more complex and troublesome communication patterns.)While I had been thinking of this as an advanced book, the proofreader, with no NLP or therapeutic background at all, said that he wished he had read it twenty years ago, because it would have made his life so much easier.Six Blind Elephants Vol. 1“This is a wonderfully clear book about how we think and make meaning–and how to change it. I hope all therapists will have the sense to read it.” —Ernest Rossi, PhD, author of A Discourse with Our Genes: The Psychosocial Genomics of Therapeutic Hypnosis and Psychotherapy.Six Blind Elephants Vol.2This book applies the fundamental understandings to additional communication patterns that are more subtle, obscure, and complex: Implication, Negation, Judgment, Modes of Operating, Self-reference, Self-contradiction, Paradox, Certainty, Double-binds, and metaphor, An annotated verbatim transcript of a session in which a client reaches forgiveness shows how these patterns can be used in a systematic way to achieve a client’s outcome.All these patterns often exist in the painful and confusing communication traps that people often find themselves in, yet most people are unaware of them, and usually respond to them or use them unconsciously. Understanding how these patterns work makes it possible to recognize them, and use them in positive ways to help yourself and others out of these communication dead-ends, enhancing your life and the lives of others. Specific examples show how many of these patterns were essential elements in the work of Milton Erickson and other effective therapists. (Best read along with Volume I.)All thanx go to user Editor who not only bought this very important book but also took the trouble and did all the hard work of scanning 2 big volumes for the benefits of all NLP loversI am just the errand girl since he had some trouble uploading it


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