Tad James and Wyatt Woodsmall – Timeline Therapy and The Basis of Personality
Tad James_Wyatt Woodsmall-TimelineTherapy and the basis of personality.pdf
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276 page bookTime Line Therapy and The Basis of Personalityis a study of most of the importantelements that make up a person’s core personality. These include Time LineTherapy (Memory Storage), meta Programs and Values.Time Line Therapy. Utilizing discoveries by Richard Bandler, the authorshave expanded and updated our knowledge of how people actually storetheir memories, and the effect that the system used for the storage of memorieshas on the personality of the individual.The authors contend that the concept of Time Line, or the notion of time that youhave stored in your mind, shapes and structures your experience of the world,and therefore shapes your personality.Tad James, M.S., Ph.D., is certified by the Society of NLP as a Master Trainer. Hehas a Master’s Degree in Communication and Doctor of Philosophy in EricksonianHypnosis. Tad James is a business consultant, and the Founder and Chairmanof the Board of The Profitability Group, Inc., a publicly traded, Hawaiibased corporation, offering the latest techniques in human resource developmentcombining Neuro-Linguistics, Neural- Physics, General Semantics and TimeLine TherapyyRichard Bandler, co-creator of NLP has described Tad James asbeing a “trainer’s trainer, having the ability to teach even the most advancedpatterns of NLP in a way that makes them easy to learn and master.” He added,”There’s no one who is doing more in business with NLP than Tad James.”Wyatt Woodsmall, Ph.D., is certified by the Society of NLP as a Master Trainerand Master Modeler. He has a Doctor of Philosophy in Divinity, is a pioneer inapplications for modeling excellence having done it both in government andthe private sector, and continues to be actively involved in on-going modelingprojects, and related training. Richard Bandler, co-creator of NLP has said that”There’s no one who knows more about NLP than Wyatt Woodsmall, and is one ofthe few people in NLP today who are actually doing modeling and extendingthe limits of its applications.”
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