Comedy Network – Keys To The VIP S01E06
Keys To The VIP S01E06 Dennis Hodge vs So Hot Right Now Josh.avi
[1 TV Rip -AVI]
This is episode 6This is from a new series called ‘keys to the VIP’ by ‘the Comedy Network’ (Canada)._________________________________________________Josh the Model vs Hodge the Actor at The Mink nightclubGame #1: “Line Off” – Each player must initiate a pick-up using a cheesy pick-up line we’ve provided for himGame #2; “Questions” – Each player must retrieve a woman’s phone number but may only speak in questions.Game #3: “Come With Me” – Each player must separate a woman from her friend. ____________________________________________________this is for those non-exclusive members… hope it’s not illegal this way… but I’ve only gotten till S01E06… anyone else willing to pass on more?
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