Private Library for Anything and Everything – Overcome Masturbation Addiction

[1 CD – MP3]



Overcome Masturbation AddictionExcessive masturbation can leave you feeling tired and washed out. Masturbation addiction can get in the way of you living a normal life, leave you feeling ashamed and impact your self esteem.Masturbation addiction steals from youWhen masturbation becomes a compulsion and starts taking over your life then it becomes a problem. Maybe you’ve found that you have had to stop what you are doing to go and whack off? Perhaps it feels like something you must go and do like getting the fix from a drug.If you are experiencing masturbation addiction you’ll have been unconsciously using masturbation as an attempted solution to stress, boredom, loneliness or low self-esteem.Masturbation like any ‘fix’ can be used as a way of escaping reality. But masturbation never really solves what it seems to promise to fix. Of course it doesn’t prevent loneliness, life dissatisfaction, or other worries.When you suffer from masturbation addiction then you get to the point where you have to masturbate just to feel normal!When you cut your masturbation frequency down to a level that feels right, that doesn’t take up unnecessarily large chunks of time or sap your energy then you really feel back in control.Imagine having control back and really starting to meet some of your needs in genuinely successful ways.Download Overcome Masturbation Addiction now and get your life back on track. Give all thanks to Gizmo182 for buying this and making it available to everyone!


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