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Captain Jack Presents: Gary Craig – Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

captain jack – eft
[5 DVDs – Rip]



From EFT to the Palace of Possibilities.Foundational EFTPart of the warrior king society Group buy.Used for emotional blockage removal. Captain Jack is not really the author but he shipped it as his product.WARNING NOTE READ THIS: [MODERATOR EDIT]Quote:”ddelias believes this product is a duplicate of (see comments). However I have not been able to check if this is true. This product shall remain here [moderator approved] so the group buy contributors can get it ratio free. If you are not in the GB you may want to decide for yourself if the other product is a better idea for you.”Get your inner game handled with EFT.More info can be found here: from the website:The Palace of PossibilitiesThis fun filled, fast moving full day workshop is among my favorite presentations. It is always well received by audiences and, in this workshop, it was given two standing ovations. Its main purpose is to install positives so that our lives can unfold in line with our true potentials. This is much easier to do, of course, after we have used EFT to clean out the limitations within our existing mindsets. Here’s a partial list of what we cover …    * Your consistent thoughts become your reality. All personal growth reduces down to this sentence.    * Dreams don’t necessarily come true but they DO take you in directions.    * How I went from $18,000 per year to $400,000 per year simply by shifting my thoughts. How I also went from 190 lbs to 160 lbs. by using the same procedure.    * Erase and Replace: Erase your limiting thoughts with EFT and Replace them with empowering thoughts using “Watch your Words”, “Shift your Sources”, “Affirmations”, “TV Techniques” and “Daydreaming”.    * Understand how affirmations really work. It is not the stated affirmation that is at work. Rather, it is the tail-enders or yes-buts that show up at the end. These limiting tail-enders are EFT’able. Once they are neutralized, your stated affirmation will be more effective.    * Your habitual vocabulary has a subtle and powerful ability to condition your mental system. Which is a better statement, “I can’t” or “I don’t know how yet”? Shifting your vocabulary will shift your entire outlook.    * The advertising industry spends $billions to put their writing on our mental walls and they do so for one reason ….it works. Why not use this obviously powerful tool for personal gain by advertising to yourself? Why not make up a personally empowering jingle using your favorite music?    * The way to do anything you want to do already exists – you need only tune into it.You have a built in Antenna that is always working to find what is important to you while filtering out the rest. Program it to find that new career, relationship, idea, etc. and you will be amazed at what shows up.    * You get what you focus on. Pessimists see what is wrong in the world. Optimists see opportunity. Yet, it’s the same world. What do you see? Whatever it is, it’s a reflection of your consistent thoughts .


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