AJ & Jordan – PickupPodcast
AJ & Jordan – PickupPodcast
[57 MP3s]
These are all of the PickupPodcasts 1 through 50, plus 9 bonus podcasts, and minus 2 podcasts that were removed due of breach of terms. I also included 2 pdf’s that were accompanied with the specific podcasts, and 3 avi’s of Jordan’s Maxim Radio Interview (viewable on youtube). Also, I made a .doc with with the dates of the podcasts and who the interviewees are associated with. Check the sites and specific podcasts for more info.There are all freely downable at AJ & Jordan’s site http://blog.pickuppodcast.com, but I decided to upload this because the episodes older than #37 are not in mp3 but .mov’s (QuickTime-film).Just choose the interviews you like, or download ’em all and listen one-for-one.P.S. Yes, there is no bonus #1 audio, and there are two bonus #8 podcasts.I just kept it the way it was on the site.P.P.S. If someone downloaded episode #31 and/or #35 before they were withdrewn, I would like to get them to complete the collection.
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