Osho video collection-
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Rajneesh Chandra Mohan Jain (December 11, 1931 January 19, 1990), better known during the 1960s as Acharya Rajneesh, then during the 1970s and 1980s as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and later taking the name Osho, was an Indian spiritual teacher. He lived in India and in other countries including, for a period, the United States, and inspired the Osho movement, a controversial spiritual and philosophical movement that still has many followers.Osho – Accept Yourself.mpgAccept yourself´Everything is perfectly as it should be. This is the most perfect world, nothing is missing. But a few crackpots cannot sit at ease unless they drive a few other people into running after shadows which can never be realised.And the more they feel they cannot be realised, the more meaningless-ness, the more hopelessness, the more the feeling of utter emptiness… and a sadness settles and becomes thicker as time passes by.Never accept any criterion that makes you miserable. Never accept any morality that makes you feel guilty. Never accept anything that is trying to enforce something upon you against your simple nature.Just be yourself and you are perfect.Move away from yourself and you are in for great trouble. Everybody is in trouble. My own experience of coming in contact with thousands of people is that I have never seen a man who is really miserable. On the contrary – I have seen people enjoying their misery, exaggerating their misery. One feels immensely compassionate that people who could have blossomed into beautiful flowers are shrunken. They have lost the way to their own home, and everybody is trying to help them to go somewhere else – “become a Buddha, become a Jesus, become a Moses.” But nobody ever says to you, “Just be yourself.” Duration:1 :02:26 Osho – Beyond Psychology – Dehypnosis, A Door To Superconscious.aviduration 1:07:01Osho – Beyond Psychology – Hypnosis, Sex & Mistery.aviCovering topics ranging from therapy, hypnosis and the limits of Western psychology; sexuality, love and relationship; society, religion and politicians; the mind, conditioning and meditation; other mystics, including Gurdjieff, Buddha, J. Krishnamurti and Mahavira, Osho leads us through an immense, multidimensional existence, available to us all, beyond the narrow confines of the mind, beyond psychology; in consciousness.This is a big book – worlds within worlds – in questions and answers.“The people who will go beyond mind will create the new man, the new mind. And the most special thing to be remembered about the new mind is that it will never become a tradition, that it will be constantly renewed. If it becomes a tradition it will be again the same thing.The new mind has to become continuously new, every day new, ready to accept any unexpected experience, any unexpected truth…just available, vulnerable. It will be a tremendous excitement, a great ecstasy, a great challenge.”OshoThe bureaucracy is not for the people, it is against them. It uses them, it exploits them, it manipulates them; it makes them believe that it is serving their purposes. But the reality is just the opposite. They define democracy as the government of the people, for the people, by the people. It is none of these things. It is neither by the people, nor of the people, nor for the people.The people who have been holding power down the centuries have always been able to persuade people that whatever is being done, is done for their sake. And the people have believed it because they have been trained to believe. It is a conspiracy between religion and state to exploit humanity. The religion goes on preaching belief and destroys the intelligence of people to question, makes them retarded. And the state goes on exploiting them in every possible way — still managing to keep the people’s support, because the people have been trained to believe, not to question. Any kind of government — it may be monarchy, it may be aristocracy, it may be democracy, it may be any kind of government. Just the names change but deep down the reality remains the same.In Japan before the second world war, Hirohito, the emperor of Japan, was believed to be the direct descendant of the God Sun, and whatever he was saying was not human, it was divine; his order had just to be followed. For centuries Japanese people have believed in him as a Sun God, And they have died in hundreds of wars, willingly, joyously, because they are dying for God himself. What more blissful and beautiful a death could one aspire to?Japan is a small country but no other country has been able to conquer it — even countries like China, vast countries. China is the greatest country as far as numbers are concerned, as far as land is concerned, but a small tiny Japan was able to defeat the Chinese because the people had this fanatic belief that God is behind them, so victory is theirs. And more or less the same has been the situation all over the world.That day when those two Cretan women, holding my hand with great love, said to me, “We are not against you. We love you and we want you to stay here,” they represented the real consciousness of the people. And then I saw at the airport, three thousand people — it must have been the whole population of Saint Nicholas — came to show their support, and to show that they are not with the brutality and nazi actions of the police against me, that they are for me.Yes, it has to be one of my works to awaken people to the real situation: you are being exploited in different names. The exploiters even call themselves public servants, to tell you that they serve you. For thousands of years they have been “serving,” — and the people are in immense misery, ignorance. They don’t have anything to their life; they are born, they somehow live, and they die. Nothing happens to them which could be called ecstatic, which could be called an experience.Empty from birth to death, nothing flowers, nothing blossoms and they have all the potential of being a song of joy. But these bureaucracies, religious and political, would not allow it. They are so afraid of joyous people.It was a strange feeling for me in the beginning.I had never thought that people should be so afraid of joyous people.Slowly slowly, I became aware that joy has many implications:A joyous person is not retarded.A joyous person is intelligent.A joyous person knows the art of life; otherwise he cannot be joyous. And a joyous person is dangerous to all those vested interests which go against humanity.Those interests want humanity to live in hell forever. They have managed in every possible way to keep you in misery. They destroy everything that you can rejoice in, and they give you ample opportunity to be miserable. A miserable person is not a danger to this rotten society.Yes, it has to be one of my basic works to make people aware that the powerful ones — either religious or political — are not your friends. They are your enemies. And unless the common humanity goes through a rebellion against all types of bureaucracies, man will remain stuck, not evolving, not reaching to the heights which are his birthright.Duration:1:45:01Osho – Head, Heart And Being.mpgWatch Osho answering the question:´Beloved master,Experiencing headache, I discovered my male nature. Experiencing heartache, I discovered my female nature.Beloved master, is there also going to be a being-ache?´…There is no miracle except one, and that is the miracle of medita-tion which takes you away from the mind. And the heart is always welcoming you. It is always ready to give you a way, to guideyou towards your being. And the being is your wholeness, it is your ultimate well-being.Duration:00:45:36Watch Osho answer this question in Head, Heart, and Being”.Osho – Living Spontaneously.mpgWatch Osho answering the question: ‘Why does spontaneity create so much fear in me? Having no structure feels like a death. How can I turn this fear into a let-go, a welcome, a rejoicing? ’´It is only a question of acting out of spontaneity more and more, and then you will see your individuality becoming more integrated, more solid, freer from all the chains that the past has put around you. The fear will disappear, but it will take a little time. If you listen to the fear you will never be able to gain your dignity as an individual.Even trees have their individuality. Every animal has his own individuality. It is simply shameful that man has lost his individuality. So in spite of all your fears, take the risk. Be courageous and act according to your own consciousness. And soon you will see that whenever you act spontaneously you are right, because you are answering the situation directly.`Duration:1:04:20Osho – Love Knows No Fear.mpgBeloved master, please speak a little about this crazy partnership of fear and love that takes me so completely by surprise again and again.The most difficult problem is not that your fear is against your love — your fear is simply an indication that love is going to absorb you and your ego starts trembling. What you are calling fear is not the authentic fear but just a phony American fear. The ego is afraid that again you will fall into an unknown space. Naturally, the mind asks, “Are you aware that you are moving into the unknown? Is it possible for you to find the way back to your own identity?”Love dissolves identity.In love, I am not and you are not; only love is.Duration: 1:01:43Osho – The Great Zen Master.avi`Zen is the only religious phenomenon in the world, which has no doctrine, no scripture, which has no God, no belief system, no organized church. It is an individual phenomenon, just like love. You don’t have a church of love. You don’t have a political party for love. It is an individual freedom.’ from: Communism and Zen Fire and Zen Wind On no other subject Osho has talked more than on Zen. And a most important part in all these talks have been the numerous jokes, laughter bursting out and the gibberish meditation. Evening for evening Osho leads 10000 buddhas from cleansing out the dust into no mind. ‘At this moment you are the buddha. Take care of the buddha twenty-four hours; cultivate the buddha twenty-four hours. Not for a single moment forget to remember your buddhahood. As your remembrance deepens, as your awareness becomes clear, as you dissolve into your witnessing, the buddha spontaneously arises – in your actions, in your words, in your silences. He becomes your whole life, and a life of great joy, a life of blessings, a life which is pure poetry, essential music, an eternal dance.’ Can we celebrate the ten thousand buddhas? Yes, Beloved Master.Duration:1:15:47Osho – You Have To Try It On Your Own.aviesponding to a wide variety of questions, OSHO gives straight talk on touchy subjects, including a full coverage of the global crisis. This series takes a no-nonsense look at the controversial implications of homosexuality and the future of artificial intelligence. OSHO is as compassionate, lyrical and funny as ever about relationships, our need to be special, and the newcomer’s bewilderment over the apparent contradiction between freedom and having a master.Duration:1:16:34
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