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Major Mark Cunningham – The New Curriculum

Mark Cunningham – The New Curriculum [MP4]
[Video – MP4]



The course I have presented worldwide as The New Curriculum is designed to be a complete modernization of hypnosis training.  The New Curriculum is an explanation of modern theory and practice, incorporating both the latest research and incorporating tools and methods from a wide variety of sources.  Included in the latter are techniques I have personally proven in over 15,000 hours of professional clinical practice!  There are multiple emphasis within the coursework:  emphasis on clients experiencing profound hypnotic effect, emphasis on hypnotist working without patter or props – “out-of-chair experiences” –, extensive use of hypnotic constructs and trance phenomena, and emphasis on teaching and motivating clients to Do for themselves.  The processes taught to TNC students embeds exercises and tasks that self-train clients not only to address and solve their reporting problems, but also to be fully capable of solving any subsequent problems themselves!Historical matters are called out only as reading assignments.  Why waste precious training time droning on about things that you can look up outside of class?  Instead, the seminar is taught in a challenging sequence of lecture, demonstration and frequent exercises.  Each student must be both hypnotist and subject in each exercise – certificates will be awarded only to those who, in the opinion of the teaching team, have performed adequately in BOTH roles.  As an added plus, the content of exercises is user-determined, allowing each student to work through their own challenges within the seminar – a dramatic example of hypnotic effect that is used as convincer for the hypnotist themselves.  After all, how better to convince a professional of the efficacy of our techniques than to have the student experience the power of permanent, positive change themselves?  The output of our training is a competent, confident change artist, far more knowledgeable and competent than the average practitioner.  Each newly-certified student is immediately qualified to enter into a professional/clinical internship.The course covers these in a discussion of the following:System of BeliefWhat is the practice of Hypnosis?Terms DefinedDispelling MisconceptionsDangers to the Client or HypnotistThree Models of the MindTrance “States” and their characteristicsUtilization AbreactionsRules of the MindA Working Model of MemoryThe Structure of BeliefsEliminating Self-SabotageWell-Formed OutcomesUncovering TechniquesA Malleable Concept of TimeForm that solid base we teach (and test!) a core set of basic techniques suitable for any and all hypnosis clients:Basic Techniques:Relaxation on CommandSetting Positive Resource AnchorsMicrocosmic OrbitUtilizing “Energy” as a Transport Mechanism for ChangeAnchoring “Change” to Autonomic Nervous SystemStructuring SuggestionsGiving Suggestions/CompoundingSuggestibility TestingElements of Inductions – Hypnotic OperatorsInductions and EmergenceCreating InductionsDeepeners Use of Hallucinations as ConstructsConvincersEmpowering Your ClientsSelf-HypnosisWaking HypnosisTrance Within TranceRegressionRecalling Lost/Misapplied ResourcesPropulsion SystemsInfinite RehearsalIdentify Your True Belief SystemStructure of an Effective SessionIn line with our belief that it’s better to clear out the garbage BEFORE renovating the structure, we teach a powerful set of techniques that actually relieve most client’s problems even before the direct action begins.Negativity-Clearing Blind Techniques:Resource OrganizerMemory Librarian Crystal BottleCottage of MemoriesIn my 18,000+ hours of clinical sessions, I have developed an incredibly powerful set of techniques that have been repeatedly proven to work with typical clinical clients the world over.  The intelligent application of these techniques will result in your clients going from “hoping” for positive change to confidently expecting the changes they themselves desire.Directed Outcome Techniques:Making Rocks GrowPolarity ExerciseGood Decision/Bad DecisionFinding A Single Outcome Resource FusionConditioning With PleasureTraining Your Client to Recognize and Own SuccessBecoming a Master HypnotistWe feel that it’s not enough to simply address a client’s reporting problem – we go on to teach client’s the attitudes and techniques required to experience and internalize the process of change itself, so that with luck they will never be forced to rely on professional help ever again.  This body of technique specifically addresses the process of Generative Change:Generative Change Techniques:Three Instant AlternativesAlphabet of Desire”Hallucid” Dreaming  JournalingFuture MemoryAnd in the U.S. only, we also teach a simple, proven business model that will allow a competent practitioner to achieve a comfortable, six-figure income while staying well within accepted standards and practices.  We’re interested in training hypnotists who are more than just members of the “helping professions” – we’re DONE with the model of the starving hypnotist!  This section is for those who are interested in Doing Well while Doing Good!Business Model:The Only Business Model That WorksThree Income Streams for ProfessionalsStructuring Your PracticeProfessional Marketing Successful AdvertisingManagement MetricsInternships and MentoringThe New Curriculum is structured as a 5-day, 60 hour course of intensive training.  14 DVDs.


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