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Tom Kenyon – Soma: An Experience in Psychoacoustic Healing

Tom Kenyon – Soma – An Experience in Psychoacoustic Healing
[3 MP3s]

Description incorporates imbedded “Bio-Pulses” into a calming ambient soundtrack. These subtle pulses of sound are designed to stimulate your brain to produce alpha and theta brainwave states, associated with deep relaxation, meditation and creative dream states. Vocal “toning” techniques create a resonance which expands the inner field of awareness for creative processes.Soothing musical timbres and harmonic intervals based on ancient Greek models are combined to enhance healing. Finally, Kenyon uses “essential musical forms” to elicit emotions such as love, joy and compassion in the listener. The physiological changes that occur with these emotional responses have been associated with enhanced immune functions and deep relaxation.


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