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Ari Bolden – Doormens Credo

[1 eBook – PDF]


Here is my first upload. This book is about doing nightclub security and has given me some good ideas since this is my line of work.The Foreword Reads..”When I began to write this book, I was determined to write a comprehensive guide for doormen on the ins and outs of the nightclub business. When I started working as a doorman, no one told me what to do, how to act, or what to say. Through trial and error, experience, research, and listening to old timers in the business, I became pretty damn good at doing my job. I saw so many people get into the “racket” with no training or idea of what to do. And worse yet, I saw guys who had been doormen for years that could have benefited from some good old fashion training. I figured I’d write a book about what it takes to be a doorman. It sure isn’t as easy as it looks.    Am I qualified to write a book on nightclub security? That is ultimately up to you to decide. What I offer to you is my experience as a doorman, several years of conflict resolution behind my belt, and a well tempered and level head on my shoulders. What I do know is everyone has different learning curves and should ultimately measure themselves by their own measuring stick. I am not claiming to be an expert. I believe there is no level of mastery for anything we do. If life were only that easy and definitive.  This book is meant to be a guide for managers, owners, old timers (experienced doormen), greeners (new doormen) and those people who are just plain curious about the nightclub profession. The moment one stops listening to others about their experiences, one stops learning. A true expert is a student of life, who listens, adapts, and learns until the very end. “


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