Igor Ledochowski – Private Hypnosis Club Jun2008
Igor Ledochowski- Private Hypnosis Club Jun2008 [8 MP3s 1 PDFs]
[8 CDs – MP3, 1 eBook – PDF]
This monthly hypnosis product is being provided to ALL members of elib…Please Do Not Share Outside This Tracker !!!Keeping them in the family keeps them coming This month’s topic:”How To CreatePowerful Hypnotic frames To Win Any Argument And Get Your Suggestions Easily Accepted, Even During The Lightest Covert Trances”(damn, his titles are long…)From the course manual:”frame Control is a very important topic in hypnosis, and in particular in Covert hypnosis. Sadly it is often overlooked.A frame controls the Meaning of a communication by controlling the feelings and responses associated to what you are saying. When you use a frame wisely it will allow you to win people’s hearts and minds, it will add power to your suggestions, and let you create the responses you desire.The frames that you set, coupled with the ideas and suggestions you present, will control how your argument is responded to……frames can be used as a powerful force for good, but also to do a lot of damage, just like with any other hypnotic principle be sure to always use them ethically.”Sadly, once again, I have not had a chance to listen to this course, so pleae give a listen and post your review.NoSweat88
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