BRAIN KIM – How to finally find what you love and get paid for doing it
How To FINALLY Find What You Love To Do And Get Paid For Doing It
[3 eBooks – PDF]
Description’ve all heard it a million times in a million different ways.”Find what you love to do.””Pursue your passion.””Find work you enjoy doing.”And as cliche as all this advice sounds, it makes perfect sense. Work makes up a majority of your life so it only makes sense to do the work you like doing and to get paid for doing it as well.Every successful man or woman has advocated this simple truth.When the author of the bestselling book “Freakonomics” Stephen J. Dubner interviewed billionaire Mark Cuban, he asked him the following question:Q: “What is the one thing that you personally believe is the true secret to success?”A: “Find what you love to do and be the best you can be at it. Simple, right???” – Mark CubanYes Mark. Simple indeed.But simple when you hear it – NOT so simple when you actually try to do it in real life.It’s advice people hear all the time, but rarely get any concrete guidance on HOW to go about EXACTLY doing it.So The Journey Begins For Them to Find It.Maybe They: * Read a career book or article. * Ask themselves what they would do if they had a million dollars. * Open themselves up to the “universe”. * Take a hundred career tests with the same results coming up as – become a librarian or artist. * Do five billion exercises from a 500 page book that gets them nowhere.And a million different other techniques which all lead to a dead end.The result? * ABSOLUTE frustration. * Lack of direction. * A sense of hopelessness and despair and depression as a result.Many people have NO idea what they want to do for a living and that starts very early on in life.Many college students graduating today have NO idea what they want to do for living. They just went to college because it was the thing to do.Now that they graduated, the real world has shocked them. Their degree is no longer as valuable as they thought it was.Bills begin to mount and must be paid. So they take a “temporary” job to hold them over until they get back on their feet but find themselves inevitably linked with that job to pay the bills, hating the job, wanting to get out but having no idea what to do next. They settle into the routine and can’t get out, and feel anxious, lost, depressed, hopeless as a result.People Who Hate Their Jobs: * Feel like in they’re in prison, chained to their desk. * Feels like their work is toxic, crushing and stifling their very spirit. * Look out the window and watch the world go by, feeling like their life is also passing them by. * Feel like they’re just a machine, just going through the motions at work. * Feel like all the humanity has been sucked out of them. * Feel like they don’t have any control over their life. * Dread Monday morning with a sinking feeling in their stomach, all the meanwhile counting down the days and hours until the weekend comes. * Feel like their work is meaningless, unsatisfying, and ultimately empty. * Feel underappreciated and undervalued. * Feel like work is a constant battle, a never ending struggle, with them never getting ahead. * Feel like they’re stuck in a dead end job, or worse yet, a dead end career. * Feel like a square peg constantly being jammed into a round hole.Just stop and think about all this for a second.Why sacrifice almost half of your day (if you include commuting) 5 days a week just to enjoy your nights and weekends?Why sacrifice the best time period of your life so you can enjoy your golden years?Why put yourself through all this pain and misery for a majority of your adult life?When did people lie down and accept this a fact of life?It doesn’t make any sense.AT ALL.What People Want When It Comes To WorkPeople want to look forward to doing their work. They want to look forward to Monday morning and not dread it.They want to enjoy their work. They want control over their work. They want to make a difference. They want their work to be meaningful.They want to be passionate about what they do. They want to be good at what they do. And they want to be paid well for what they do.But before they can have all that, they need just one thing.DIRECTION.People just want DIRECTION in their lives.It’s much easier to get to where you want to be when YOU KNOW WHERE YOU WANT TO GO.Many people don’t have a clue and wish they could say they could be something, ANYTHING. To have a clue!I wish I could be a teacher or a nurse or an engineer. Something. Anything. A clue!But they have no direction and as a result, feel frustrated, lost, and depressed.And as hard as they’ve tried to find it, the advice out there just doesn’t cut it.There’s No REAL CONCRETE, STRUCTURED, LOGICAL, EFFECTIVE Advice Out There, That Is UNTIL NOW.If you’re one of the over 1.5 million readers around the world who’ve benefited from reading my articles on self improvement at, you’ve undoubtedly read my very first article. “How to Find What You Love to Do”. It literally spread like wildfire over the Internet on the day of its release resulting in tens and thousands of visitors from all over the world.I’ve had so many people even down to this very day thank me for writing it and telling me how much it has helped them.But as much as it has helped some people, I still got emails from people wanting MORE information about it. The article helped, but they wanted MORE.After realizing that over 50% of the email I’ve received pertained to people wanting to find work they love to do, work they’re passionate about and to get paid for doing it, I decided it my duty to come up with the ULTIMATE, the DEFINITIVE guide to finding ONCE AND FOR ALL, what you love to do and to get paid for doing it. * No more useless articles, books, tests. * No more confusing exercises. * No more ineffective techniques and circular logic.I felt it was my destiny (so to speak to) to write this book.I’ve always loved finding the “ultimate” answers to everything, unifying all the information out there and presenting a clear cut logical solution to the issue at hand.It’s exactly what I did with my first book, “The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich” and judging from the rave reviews that it got, I know finding the “ultimate” answers to issues is a gift I’m blessed with.So I scoured every book there was on the subject of finding work you love and getting paid for it, read every article I could get my hands on, interviewed firsthand those who’ve found what they love to do and got paid for doing and amassed over 400 pages of information.I streamlined that to a little over 200 pages and got back preliminary feedback from test readers saying that it was still too bulky so I sought to trim the fat some more and to create a central logical, effective structure that any reader can apply in his/her life RIGHT NOW to FINALLY find what they love to do and get paid for doing it. It took me about a year to do all this.This Book Is The End Result of That Long One Year Process.How This Book Is Different Than AnyOther Book You’ve Read On The SubjectIf you look at all the other books on the subject of finding work you love doing and getting paid for doing it, you’ll find that it just barrages the reader with tons and tons of advice and things to do, with no logic linking them all together.There’s no “structure” to it.It’s like dumping a ton of different tools, nuts, bolts, pieces of wood, scraps of metal, machinery in front of the person and telling them to build something without giving concrete, step by step advice in a logical order that makes sense.The books dump things like – take this career test, take this personality test, just open yourself up to trying new things, just do things and see if you like them, go to the top of the mountain and meditate, do one thing new everyday, etc.As a result, people GET EVEN MORE LOST.They lose more hope.They become more depressed.Because that strategy doesn’t help. It doesn’t work at all.It’s not enough to dump a million different tools in front of somebody and wipe your hands clean and say:”Here’s everything you need.”You’ve got to show them structure, step by step instructions, instructions that make sense in the big picture in terms of the order they’re in and why they must be taken, and more importantly HOW to take them in great detail. You have to pull all the relevant and important, logical components together and focus on the SPECIFICS of how to do it.What This Book Will Do For You: * Provide you with a very easy, central, logical, and effective structure that you can use right away to help you FINALLY find what you love to do. * Provide you with detailed routes on how you can get paid for doing what you love to do. * Provide you with crystal clear signs and clues to help you make sure you’ve found what you love to do. * Show you why it’s not enough to “follow your passion”. * Help you understand the missing key that resolves the issue of “Doing work you love but getting paid very little” vs. “Doing work you hate but getting paid a lot.” * Help you understand exactly how finding what you love to do will greatly enrich your life. * Show you why it’s so hard to find what you love to do. * Help you find work you look forward to doing and feel energized by doing. * Cease your endless quest for information on how to find what you love to do. * Provide you with helpful summaries and key points to remember. And Like The Mission Statement On My Site Says: * Provide you with the highest quality of information. * Make the information extremely easy to understand. * Make the information easy to apply. * Move you to take action NOW toward the direction of your dreams.
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