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The Barry Kirkey Radio Show – Episode 41-44

The Barry Kirkey Radio Show Episode 41-44
[4 MP3s]



From know the First File is a DUPE, but for the sake of keeping the Whole Week’s package together, I have included it.Episode #41 Monday, July 14, 2008    * David “Dial Tone” DeAngelo and Double Your Dial Tones    * Donovan at Seduction Chronicles is pissed with me    * Interview with Sean Messenger of    * Sean Messenger and Barry talk about: Illegal Narcotic Drugs Sean has tried, the first time we met, Mental Disorders, his overly dramatic voice, being bullied in school, The Real Man Conference: Sean may fuck a girl on stage, products, Baseball and more    * We’re talkin’ Scene with Sean Messenger: Lance Mason, Wilder, Tyler Durden, Mehow, style, Johnny Wolf, Asian Playboy and David DeAngelo    * Tomorrow, Interview with Thundercat a.k.a. (Joseph Matthews)    * New Revolution31 Program: Phone Episode #42 Tuesday, July 15, 2008    * Joe Rogan: Getting Pumped    * Interview with Thundercat: Thundercat’s Seduction Lair, Art of Approaching, Renegade Rapport and Looks Don’t Matter    * Zach the Lego Maniac and Stephane the Meglomaniac    * Thundercat and Barry talk about: Their Friendship, how Badboy got shot in his head, Adventures with Papa, Will the Black, Project Hollywood Closets, the first time I met style, DYDs Mastery, Vince Kelvin, Acne, Shitting on David DeAngelo’s front steps, Cam Teone’s Anger Issues    * David DeDial-Tone calls in    * style the Douche    * The Stephane Interview    * Rev31 Insider: Swingcat said that Tyler said that Tyler and me (Barry) would get girls to make-out with each other by Tyler and I making-out with each other    * New Revolution31 Program: Phone Episode #43 Wednesday, July 16, 2008    * Hi This is David DeAgenlo Mix    * Conversation with David DeDial-Tone    * Interview Feedback: Sean Messenger, Thundercat and Stephane    * Haters: Dare Hates me, Donovan and hate mail    * Johnny Wolf Interview Confirmed    * Jordan and AJ: My Hatred Will Never Die    * Listener Voicemail    * New Revolution31 Program: Phone Episode #44 Thursday, July 17, 2008    * The Mehow Medallion    * The Angela Song. My first date ever    * How Big is Sean Stephenson’s Cock?    * I spoke with Donovan of Seduction-Chronicles yesterday    * Gunwitch, I am your God now    * Alex of Real Social Dynamics’ “Why Won’t You Kiss Me Video”    * RSD Imitations: Guys goofing on the Alex video    * New Revolution31 Program: Phone


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