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Tripp Lanier with Garrison Cohen – A Reformed Pick-Up Artist

The New Man – Garrison Cohen Interview
[2 MP3s]



Personal Life Media wrote:Tripp Lanier – The New Man wtih Garrison CohenPart 1: A Reformed Pick-up ArtistAre you wanting to meet more women and have more success in dating them?Ever thought of becoming a pick-up artist?This week we sit down with Garrison Cohen, a “reformed pick-up artist” that has tried every technique there is in the world of seduction. Garrison walks us through his journey in the seduction community including a time as a Pickup Artist trainer. He shares with us the insights he learned from each of the schools of seduction and where it all led for him.Part 2: The Seduction Community, Where to Go Next?What do you do when you master the art of seduction?After years of practice in the seduction community, Garrison still felt something was missing. He had become a pick-up artist, with no trouble meeting and dating women but the profound relationship still eluded him. In his continuing search he came upon a concept called “inner game” and the Authentic Man Program.Listen as he shares with us what he found to be the ultimate practice to deepen his relationships with women and give him what he was looking for all along.Good interview, nothing practical you can get from it but especially for the people who are having doubts with the whole PUA stuff it’s a good listen. This guy worked for PickUp101 and now is a facilitator for AMP.Free download here:


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