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John Wingert – HypnoHitting

John Wingert – HypnoHitting.avi
[1 DVD – Rip]


HypnoHitting with John WingertHypnoHitting puts your opponent, enemy, even your mother-in-law into SPLIT SECOND – Instant TRANCE! Giving you plenty of time to take them out, dance a jig, or give them a flaming phobia! “Hit anyone, anytime!Invoke trance INSTANTLY!This is even BETTER and QUICKER thanMilton Erickson’s Handshake Interrupt!”-Danny Scott – Counselor, Hypnotist.In over 15 years, 2000 police officers and students prove that HypnoHitting is incredibly effective and absolutely devastating, because it works!”More fun than R B’s handshake interrupt video! “–Mike S. Sacramento, CA.Ready to learn these secrets that will take your martial art to the red line, principles and INSTANT TRANCE PRINCIPLES that will give you the power to hit anyone anywhere? Get this easily and quickly with this hard to find out of production DVD by my teacher, John Wingert.One of the main keys you’ll notice on the DVD Crash Course “Hypno Hitting” is how he induces trance quickly by just gently bumping your attackers arm, with precision placement and timing, then either programming a phobia in or taking him out instantly. That’s why his Hypnosis Products work! That’s why his Neuro Linguistic and Hypnosis Products work! And why his martial arts products kick a$$!I’ll let you in on a little secret!Part of this easily learned secret method, is this little bump causes a very subtle “break in motion ” disruption in the timing and feedback mechanisms in the brain. Remember though, it only works if learned correctly WITH the correct principles demonstrated.It’s very very simple, yet very rarely taught, since it works so well, it’s perhaps one of the last real “secret methods” that is easily learned, and really does work – if you learn them properly. That’s why we’ve made this DVD package available to you NOW!So either you fly, drive, or ride your bicycle to Pennsylvania to train with the Doc, pay for a hotel room with one of those cheesy vibrating beds, fight for his personal attention with dozens of others (or pay over $1000 bucks to train privately with him)…or you can now follow your gut and get this limited edition DVD Crash Course today, before the inventory is gone forever! So, even if you are not a complete self defense or martial arts nut yourself, just like many who have already added this knowledge to their hypnotic or martial arts arsenal, you can imagine how much fun you will have with this fun method of trance induction that has been proved to be easily learned, and devastatingly effective.This DVD video crash course doesn’t have fancy kicks, they don’t have pretty fluffy punches, and they don’t have frilly special effects, just RAW one on one footage giving you live quality material. Jumbo packed full of SOLID GOLD information that will give you more than you could ever have bargained for. You’ll be telling your friends, Getting this DVD package was the best thing you ever did!——–Interesting Video. Enjoy!!


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