The Barry Kirkey Radio Show – Episodes 70-73
barry kirkey 70-73
[4 MP3s]
Episode 73 Thursday, September 11, 2008 * No Tenmagnet * Tenmagnet cancels 4 hours before the show * Analyzation of Tenmagnet cancellation emails * I am Tenmagnet’s Taxi * Paul Janka Brushes Off Attempted Date Rape Charge * Does the Mic Work Dude? Yes, I’d say it does! Do Dee Do Dee Do Dee Dooooo * Janene gets in to “State” * My gross zit, Accutane and Crater Face McGee * The best site I can’t get: * TNG * Would Janene smash my cats head in with a hammer to save the world? Episode 72 Wednesday, September 10, 2008 * Interview with Revolution31’s, Super, from the Brazilians * Super offers Janene a Brazilian bikini * The Fabulous Super enjoys Intercourse * 1 Cum per Day * Super doesn’t like when girls keep calling him * How do you tell a girl you don’t want to see her anymore? Stop calling her. * Super sings the Brazilian National Anthem * Barry sings the American National Anthem * 6 times in one day (by Intercourse) * Super Sex Stories * Inspector Super! * Dr. Pepsi, Janene says she’s not a prude * Janene was mad at me because of Episode #71 * Vomit, Cock-in-Mouth, Janene * Strawberry Frosted Mini-Wheats Episode 71 Tuesday, September 9, 2008 * Levi and Stefan hang out on the show * 2CB, Coors Light and the Cowboy Store * Brother Lynch – Picture Every Human On A Slab Of Meat * Tom Petty and Levi Duet * Speculate * The Lair Destroyers Gang: Gunwitch, Levi, Stefan and Barry (A True Story) * Levi’s Dad comes on the show! * Freestyle Rapping (Speculate Edition) * Listener Email (By Janene) * The only thing style can consistently close – A CD ROM Drive * Seinfeld – What’s The Deeeeaaaaal with… * Thundercat eats his own products * Scot Mckay emails Barry, so we call him live on the show * Check out Scot McKay at X & Y Communications * Email Levi:
Episode 70 Monday, September 8, 2008 * Jon Lajoie. Show Me Your Genitals 2: E=MC Vagina * Deepthroat sits in on the show * This week on the Show! * Scot Mckay and ThunderBlob * Jordan Harbinger is a bro and a 1/2 * Listener Hatemail: Dr. Paul and Christiano * Gunwitch Voicemail. Topic: Dr. Paul * Piss * Songs: Thundercat (Blob Edition), Tyler Durden (Deepthroat Mix) and Scot McKay (Loser Deluxe) * High School girls Deepthroat and Barry obsessed over * Unsolved Deepthroat Mysteries * My Aunt’s Panties * Binoculars, Chairs and Creepy Guys * Levi will be sitting in on tomorrows show!
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