Robert Beck – Suppressed Medical Discovery
Robert Beck – Suppressed Medical Discovery
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A cure for Cancer and Aids and many other diseases was developed in 1991 but was suppressed. It involves the use of a small easy to make electronic device that can be created for less than 50 dollars.Bob Beck applied his genius to health research after retiring from a challenging and rewarding career as a physicist. He worked on several government classified projects—including a project to measure extra low frequency signals circling the globe. These frequencies are suspect as a means of mind control and Bob invented a small magnetometer that could detect the frequencies better than the existing $300,000 SQUIDS or Sequential Quantum Integrating Devices in use. Bob Beck’s unusual intelligence was evident from an early age. “I was building crystal sets for the kid on the block when I was quite young. It sort of fascinated me and I’ve been at it all my life since.” An early interest in photography supported him while he worked his way through university. As a photographer, he applied his talents to developing an electronic flash for his camera. “I learned to blow glass and I bought a container of xenon for $70. It was too valuable to leave at Wilcox Photo Sales where I was doing the work, so I took it home with me. Mother said, ‘What’s that?’ I said xenon. ‘What did it cost?’ I said $70. She exploded. ‘You paid $70 for that empty glass thing!’ When she looked at that she saw nothing. The gas was invisible. When I looked at it I saw the future of photography.” Bob sold the patent his low voltage flashcube to Ed Wilcox for $500. “That was the most money I’d ever seen in my life, paid for my last semester at USC… When the Olympics were held here in Los Angeles and the coliseum was full of people, the announcer suggested that they turn out the lights in the stadium and people flash to signify they’d had a good time. I was sitting in my bedroom looking at the television and here were these what looked like hundreds of thousands of flashbulbs. Tears came to my eyes because I realized that all of those things were my grandchildren and it wasn’t just one or two units or a dozen at Life magazine that I built with my own hands, it was the whole world using my grandchildren.”In the 1980’s, he operated his own company during a time when he did extensive research on the brain. He developed a powerful electroencephalograph unit. This research eventually led him to Dr. Margaret Patterson, a Scottish surgeon, visiting the US from England. Dr. Patterson’s work was featured in the January 1983 issue of Omni magazine when Peter Townsend, a British rock star, went public after stopping his slide into “drugged oblivion.” The article, “Brain Tuner,” by Kathleen McAuliffe caught Bob Beck’s attention. Dr. Patterson had developed a “black box” to help her patients with their addictions after working with Dr. H. L. Wen in Hong Kong using electroacupuncture. Dr. Wong had discovered some of his patients were overcoming addictions without severe withdrawal symptoms. Bob Beck subsequently developed his own Brain Tuner after attending a seminar in Quebec, Canada in 1982. He met a researcher who had visited Russia to learn about a device that was highly effective with addictions. This researcher told Bob, she “had finally located the secret frequency that was causing the tissue to rejuvenate. … Now there are three magic numbers which caused the rejuvenation, the healing, rapid re–stimulation of the neuro–transmitters. … they are in the little box that we built.” In fact Beck’s device has over 200 beneficial frequencies. The first unit was called a BT5. Later, Bob added extra settings in a model called the BT6. For his work with the brain Bob Beck received the John Fetzer Foundation pioneering award in 1990. Research with Beck’s Brain Tuner gained attention in two books published in the 90’s: Mega Brain Power, by Michael Hutchison and Super–Learning 2000 by Sheila Ostrander & Lynn Schroeder. More recently, James Oschman referred to Beck’s research in Energy Medicine, The Scientific Basis. His life took another turn in 1991 when a brief mention about research with microamperes of electricity at Albert Einstein College of Medicine appeared in the March 30th issue of Science News. Dr. William D. Lyman and Dr. Steven Kaali had presented a paper in Washington, D.C. on March 14th at the First International Symposium on Combination Therapies. In their laboratory, electrical currents disabled or neutralized viruses so the viruses were no longer able to reproduce. The research spoke of the possibility of running blood through a dialysis–like unit or implanting electrical devices to incapacitate HIV. This research both intrigued and challenged Bob Beck. He discovered, however, that the research had been pulled from public view—the paper was no longer part of the published proceedings of the symposium. A search of US patents finally led Bob Beck to the evidence and details he was searching for. The researchers had filed patent #5,188,738 on November 16, 1990. The patent states: “to provide electric current flow through the blood or other body fluids at a magnitude that is biologically compatible but is sufficient to render the bacteria, virus, parasites and/or fungus ineffective to infect or affect normally healthy cells…” The only other public evidence of this research is an interview with Dr. Lyman on March 30, 1991 by the CBC radio program “Quirks & Quarks” in Canada. By nature and profession Robert C. Beck was always an innovator and inventor. He set about to develop a system to send the necessary microcurrents of electricity into the blood without medical intrusion or, in other words, without invading the body. After developing a system using electrodes on the skin, carefully placed over two arteries, he funded a study with two medical doctors and 8 AIDS patients. Beck had hoped to publish the results of this study. According to Bob Beck, all 8 patients were symptom–free. The established medical system, however, required that a PCR test show that each individual was no longer HIV positive. This led to confusion and the eventual abandonment of the study as the PCR test results were all over the place. It has since come to light that the PCR test is not a valid test for HIV. It has further come to light that HIV is not necessarily a causative factor in AIDS. What If Everything You Thought You Knew About AIDS Was Wrong by Christine Maggiore is an excellent resource that reveals the politics of research concerning AIDS.Over time, Bob Beck saw the need to reach the lymphatic system with electrification. He realized the lymph system is more extensive than the blood vessels and can harbor and hide viral infections and so re-infect the blood. To electrify lymph and tissue, Beck devised a magnetic pulse generator to induce the necessary microcurrents of electricity in specific sites.Beck’s research also uncovered much historical evidence about the effectiveness of ionic/colloidal silver as a natural antibiotic. Again he applied his inventive genius and developed a simple device to allow individuals in their homes to make their own ionic/colloidal silver. “Four o’clock one morning three years ago, I woke up with a perfect solution on how to make it. I put it on an old nine-volt transistor radio battery and a couple of silver wires. Dunk those wires in water …” See HOW TO MAKE IONIC/COLLOIDAL SILVER for procedures to make 3–5 PPM ionic/colloidal silver with a small particle size.Beck was giving talks and workshops at health shows. He sold a handout titled, “Take Back Your Power” at these workshops for a nominal fee. The handout included schematics so those interested could build their own devices. At a seminar in Seattle in early 1996, husband and wife team Russ Torlage and Lesley Punt heard Bob Beck speak and purchased a handout. Lesley was looking for a way to overcome Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Russ applied his design talents to Bob’s material. To make the story short, the blood and tissue electrification units were the tools that gave Lesley back her life. When Bob Beck examined the units Russ had designed, he immediately gave the units his endorsement. He had only endorsed one other company to this point, as he wanted to be sure the public would get good value for their money. Russ Torlage of SOTA worked closely with Bob Beck for the last few years of his life. At the time of his passing, SOTA Instruments Inc. was the sole company endorsed by Robert C. Beck.On the lookout for ways to improve the effectiveness of what was becoming known as “The Beck Protocol,” Bob Beck started ozonating his drinking water with a device he built using parts from a pet supply store for ozonating fish tanks. Using a pulse oximeter to measure oxygen levels in blood and experimenting with friends, he found the oxygen level of the blood could be improved by drinking ozonated water. Ozone, of course, is known as a powerful oxidizer so he knew it would be a step to help flush toxins from the body. The Beck Protocol now consists of four tools using three units—one that offers both blood electrification and making ionic/colloidal silver, one that offers lymph and tissue electrification and the third is a water ozonator. At one point in his career, Bob Beck also lectured to post–graduate students. He told his students, “You can’t go up against the establishment with pure science—you’ve got to be politically correct. And that’s just basic to the way things are done out there. … What I’m doing is totally politically incorrect!” Beck says now the discovery at Albert Einstein College was really a re–discovery. He has found that many patents have been filed over the years showing the effectiveness of electricity for health. Referring to the units and his handout, Bob Beck says, “It is experimental. We have given you this information for educational and operational purposes only. But there is no such thing as a bacterial strain resistant to electricity. It’s that simple. So we know we’re on the threshold of something great and I know I am not popular with the pharmaceutical houses…” He concludes, “Well, God has left a back door [for health] and that back door seems to be electricity.”Enjoy
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