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Meet your Sweet – Fireworks with Females

[2 MP3s + 3 PDFs]



Sales Letter:Set In Stone Rule of Attraction #1: For a woman to feel attracted to you, she needs to perceive that you are of equal or higher value than herself. This is because women are NOT attracted to men whom they perceive to be of lower value than themselves. How many times do you hear about secretaries hooking up with their bosses… or models and actresses boffing Donald Trump and Hugh Hefner? LOTS of times. Do you think they’d be doing so if the Trumpster and Hef weren’t GLOBALLY PERCEIVED as ‘high-value’ men? NO WAY. Now think about how many times you hear about a female celebrity or superstar having a fling with the janitor… almost NEVER. Women are attracted to men who are HIGHER VALUE (‘better’) than the value they attribute to themselves. Thus, she must see that you are equal to her in many ways, and HIGHER than her in at least one way (and preferably more than two ways.) The more ways that she perceives that you are ‘better’ or ‘higher’ than her, the more quickly and intensely she will feel attraction to you. What Does ‘Value’ Even Mean? Your ‘value’ doesn’t refer to your ‘worth’ as a man – or even to how much you earn. It refers to the desirable qualities that you convey to a woman, and how desirable she perceives you to be as a result. The moment that she perceives you as higher value than her is the moment that she is most likely to start feeling attraction for you. Set In Stone Rule of Attraction #2: Women are more attracted to men who are not easily won overWomen tend to be attracted to men who are not easily won over, who are not desperate, who are not overly eager, and who appear to have options. This is partly because of human psychology (people want what they can’t have), partly because of female psychology (women are competitive and like to ‘conquer’ challenges), and partly because having plenty of ‘options’ (or being perceived as such) is another indicator of STATUS. Think about it. If you had plenty of options, were used to dealing with desirable women, and were accustomed to being the leader in most situations, would you be easily won over and super-eager for her attention? NO. Here are a few pointers for constructing the appearance of having options: If you are out in a social situation, such as at a party or a bar, talk to lots of different women throughout the night. Don’t get stuck with just one or two women; MINGLE. The more women you speak to, the more women will see that OTHER women find you attractive and interesting, and the more ‘social proof’ you will have. If you arrive in a club with a couple of attractive female friends, it will be clear to all the other women there that females find you interesting and worth spending time with. (Of course, this effect will be negated if you are seen to be hitting on those women, or if the women themselves behave in a reprehensible way: getting sloppy drunk, hitting on men indiscriminately, etc.) If a woman appears to be interested in you, don’t jump all over her or act as though her being interested in you is grounds for you being interested in her. Be a little hard to get. Get women to qualify themselves to you. And a little banter is a good thing (don’t worry I teach you how to do all of this in ‘Fireworks With Females’.) When you’re talking to a woman in a group, focus on the WHOLE GROUP. Don’t just focus on her; win over her friends FIRST. She will see how much her friends like you, and not only will she be influenced by their opinion, but she will also see that other people besides herself find you desirable. Don’t give in too easily if a woman is attracted to you. Don’t be ALOOF or DISTANT, but don’t let it be too obvious that you’ve decided that she’s a catch that you’re going to chase. A little bit of wondering is good for her and will strengthen her desire for you. I have so many more important secrets about how to attract women to share with you in ‘Fireworks With Females’, some of them will literally blow you away and women will LOVE you once you start implementing these secrets into your life, but before I tell you more… …You’re probably wondering now, ‘what makes me such an expert?’I’ll go back a few years and fill you in on my story. When I was in college, I hung around with a certain group of guys who I have since dubbed ‘The Naturals’. These guys were AMAZING with women. I’m talking, UNBELIEVABLE. They were never short of dates… and women just FLOCKED around them wherever they were. It was like they had some sort of ‘magnetic powers’ as far as women were concerned. And I can’t lie… I was a fully-fledged member of this group. Without bragging or boasting, none of us ever had much of a problem meeting and attracting women (even though most of us are actually pretty AVERAGE-LOOKING guys.) Here’s the interesting part. The whole time I was in college, ‘living it up’ and enjoying around-the-clock company of beautiful women… having lots of female friends… and never being short of a date, I NEVER REALIZED THAT THIS WAS ANYTHING OUT OF THE ORDINARY. It was like the company I was keeping had BLINDED me to the REALITIES that other guys were enduring EVERY SINGLE DAY. The fact that I was spending all my time with other guys who enjoyed the kind of ‘I never had to try too hard’ success as I did actually CONFUSED me to the point that I thought it was NORMAL. It was only when I finished college and left ‘The Naturals’ behind, and made a whole NEW group of friends, that I realized how fortunate we’d been. It was only THEN that I realized what the ‘real world’ was like for most men. I realized that, in fact, most of the guys in the world – we’re talking 99.8% – actually DO NOT KNOW what WORKS with women. I made loads of new friends, and met new guys every day, and spent time watching what happened in clubs and bars most nights… and it was HEARTBREAKING. I saw men out there every night… TRYING to get attention from women… TRYING to get dates… and TRYING to get success… … but almost every single time, WITHOUT FAIL, they were falling flat on their faces. Sometimes they’d ‘get lucky’ with a woman… but when they did, it was purely that: LUCK. They had NO SAY in the matter. They had NO CLUE what it was they’d done that had got such a response. And whether anything ‘happened’ or not was purely up to the whim of some woman. In between these sudden ‘lucky breaks’, they had to endure long and totally involuntary dry spells… sometimes lasting over a YEAR. These men were NOT in control of the amount and quality of the success they had with women. They weren’t in control of their LIVES. What was going on here? How could successful, interesting, intelligent, and sometimes even GOOD-LOOKING guys – be so HORRIBLY UNSUCCESSFUL with women?? Clearly, something had to be done. And that’s when I sat down and decided to figure out EXACTLY what it was about me, and ‘The Naturals’ that I’d grown up with, that had given us such EASY, EFFORTLESS SUCCESS with women for all those years. I started spending a lot of time with my new friends… and meeting more and more guys… and whenever I was out, paying VERY CLOSE ATTENTION to what they did and said around women. I talked to hundreds of different guys. I learned about their hopes, their fears, and what was happening INSIDE THEIR HEADS. And I started to figure out what it was that was ‘hobbling’ their potential for success. As time went on, I ‘cross-indexed’ this information with all of my own experience as a ‘natural’… and contrasted my own feelings, beliefs, and behaviors, and those of my ‘natural’ friends, with those of these NEW, UNSUCCESSFUL guys that I’d met and spoken with… and over time, it all started to make sense. Patterns began to form. Gradually, I figured out what the story was… and what the DIFFERENCES were between the guys who ‘got it’ as far as women were concerned, and the guys who DIDN’T ‘get it’. It was a key moment. And this is when I met Mirabelle. When she learned about my new project, and how I wanted to turn these guys’ lives around and teach them how to get MASSIVE success with women, she wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer… she wanted to put her years of professional expertise as a dating coach to use, and get involved. So we paired up. And with Mirabelle’s feminine and professional perspective, and my own unique perspective as a guy who’d seen BOTH sides of the ‘coin’, together we figured out a STEP-BY-STEP FORMULA for overcoming a life-time’s worth of FAILURE with women… and overcoming the LACK OF CONFIDENCE and the MASSIVE FEAR that such a life engenders… and together, we created a ‘recipe for success’. Then, we stood up together in front of a basement full of guys, and told them about what we’d found out. And here’s the REALLY WILD part… The guys who applied our findings to their lives started getting PHENOMENAL success with women. I’m talking INSTANTANEOUS TRANSFORMATION. Either these guys had been so bad with women that ‘any’ advice would have made a difference – or the advice that we had to give was good enough to help them create the success that they so desperately longed for. I figure it was a blend of both. This book is a combination of that research, my own YEARS of experience of being ‘that guy’ with women, the input of my ‘natural’ friends, and Mirabelle’s incisive professional insight as a female dating coach. It’s based upon the THOUSANDS of hours I spent meeting guys, talking to them, and observing their behavior around women, and the THOUSANDS of hours I spent doing extensive research into human behavioral psychology, and the emotional and psychological underpinnings of self-confidence and dominance. I’ve seen in REAL LIFE how the application of these concepts and ideas can literally TRANSFORM the lifestyles of HUNDREDS of men. I know this stuff works, because it’s worked for me my WHOLE LIFE… it’s worked for the thirty or so guys I grew up with… … and MOST IMPORTANTLY, it’s worked for the HUNDREDS of guys who learned it, applied it, and went from ‘abysmal failures’ with women… to being the kinds of guys who can walk up to an UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE woman, and get her phone number… in about 3 minutes flat. Does this prospect excite you? It should, because… …You’re about to discover powerful secrets about women and attraction that most men will NEVER know. Here is a sample of what is inside ‘Fireworks With Females’:  Ever noticed that women are attracted to men of a higher social status and value than themselves? It’s true. In fact… Women are very rarely attracted to a man of lesser, or subordinate, status to themselves. Discover 8 ways to dramatically raise your perceived value, regardless of what you do for a living or how many friends you have.  How to eliminate your inner demons and change how your mind perceives the world so that your inner game works FOR you rather than AGAINST you. This is extremely important because real success comes from not only physical strength, but psychological strength, too.  Find out where to meet women. Yes the good ones are sometimes hard to find. You’ll learn where to go to meet fantastic women and how to design your lifestyle to bring more women into your life!  A highly effective 2 step strategy for ridding yourself of negative self-talk and making your mind believe what you want it to believe.  The REAL reason why most men will never be successful at attracting high quality women and how to prevent this happening to YOU.  FACT: Women like MEN. MANLY men, not wusses. You’ll learn how to become a much more masculine version of yourself without putting on an act.    The critical thing that you MUST DO RIGHT NOW to create an impregnable suit of confidence that will protect you, like armor, and will enable you over time to enjoy relaxed, witty, entertaining conversations with genuinely desirable women  How to design your life so that you automatically attract ‘blue-ribbon’ quality women.  The BIG SECRET that all ‘naturals’ share that allows them to attract and keep the highest quality women (You can use this to ensure that you are one of them)  The one thing that you must do to make certain that you end up with the kind of woman that you actually want. I’ve seen numerous guys end up attracting the ‘wrong’ kind of women, one’s they don’t really dream about being with. Here’s the secret to making sure the opposite happens. And that’s not all! I’ve left no stone unturned to maximize your chances of attracting your ideal woman for a long term exciting and loving relationship by covering everything that you NEED to know. Here’s what else you’re going to learn…  Discover exactly how to approach women and start conversations with them.  The proven “set in stone’ rules of how NOT to talk to women. Break these rules and you’ll end up turning women off without even know what went wrong.  NEWSFLASH: Many men may consider that they know how to talk to women. But most men are NOT compelling around women. Until you call emotions into play it’s highly unlikely she’ll feel that emotion of attraction to you. I show you how to evoke positive emotions in women, including attraction.    Learn how to shape your physical appearance, voice, and movements; to create a lifestyle that will draw in quality women as relentlessly as a tractor-beam; and discover where you can go to find the women you most desire.  How to ensure that you never run out of things to talk about. I’ve seen guys who always get stuck for things to say, suddenly never run out of interesting topics thanks to this technique. Master it and women will LOVE talking to you.  2 powerful ways of demonstrate your strength of personality and character. If you really want to attract top-notch women, you need to ‘man up’ and actually demonstrate some strength of personality and some CHARACTER.  How to talk to women in a manner that is engaging to them and peaks attraction. Also discover how to ensure that you never run out of things to say.  What to do when you’ve started dating a fantastic woman and want to keep her interested (This one secret will suprise you, but it works like magic!)  Specific exercises that enable you to improve the sound of your voice so that it is much more attractive to women. (The ‘sound’ of your voice has been proven scientifically to be much more important than ‘what’ you say in attractiveness to women)    The crucial elements of style that you must adopt in order to maximize your physical appearance. (No, looks don’t matter, but style and panache does)  The one thing you must NEVER do when you really like a woman (this one single thing will lower your chances of success with her DRAMATICALLY).  How to communicate with women. In this section, we’re going to deal with how to talk to women in such a way that you will maximize your perceived value and attractiveness.  5 highly-successful, practical pointers for dramatically improving your success rate when approaching women and starting conversations.  How to ask for a woman’s phone number in a way that will give you the highest possible success rate.  The RIGHT way to follow up after getting a woman’s phone number (most guys mess this up big time!)  Delve into the secret psychology of women and how it works. We’ll take a look ‘behind the scenes’ at the needs and desires of moth women. You’ll soon be able to meet them spontaneously and in a way that sparks attraction quickly and demonstrates your own, unique quality.  The one trait that you MUST demonstrate in order to indicate to a woman that knowing you will make her life better than it already is.  The 4 crucial things that women want in a man. They don’t even consciously realise themselves that they are looking for these things which is why they will never tell you this is what they want. But demonstrate these traits and you’ll have high-quality women falling in love with you!  The TRUTH about romance and how to do it the RIGHT way, so that it actually sparks attraction rather than making you look like a wuss. (Unfortunately most guys end up in the wuss category when it comes to romance. Hint: Don’t follow what you see on TV).  How to get physical with a women and how to esculate it further. Follow my advice and kissing her and esculating things from there will become a natural progression that she is dying for, rather than an awkward situation.  Find out how to ensure that she speaks highly of your bedroom talents and how to guarantee repeat opportunities. This is suprisingly simple, but most men just don’t have a clue.  Relationship secrets that will help you ensure that you make your relationship last. If you meet and attract the woman of your dreams, you want it to last right? Of course you don’t want to stick around with the wrong girl, but when things are great, you’ll be glad you know these secrets to long term success. …And that’s not all, there is a lot more covered inside my comprehensive “Fireworks With Females”. It is over 210 pages in length, while that may seem lengthy, I made sure that it is a really fun and easy read, and I didn’t want to leave any stone unturned in making sure that you get the absolute best and most powerful information about attracting and keeping your ideal woman. Great News: Fireworks With Females is available for Instant Download I created Fireworks With Females to be an instant download because that way you can access all of the information in the next 5 minutes! The other good news about it being available via a members download area is that I’m able to include more information and more amazing bonuses (which I’ll tell you about shortly). And your privacy is assured. A lot of guys wouldn’t want to buy this book if it were to be delivered to them in the mail because they don’t want others to know they are buying it. But this way you can download it to your computer and print it or read it on your computer in complete privacy. The bill on your credit card shows up discretely as “Clickbank”. How Much Does This Instant Download Book Cost? Before mentioning the price, I’d like to remind you that my book has been specifically designed to teach you how to: keep a beautiful woman attracted communicate with women on a sexual level create attraction and chemistry with women be the man that EVERY woman wants demonstrate quickly that you are a man of high value approach women and start conversations change your self image for dating success use the power of body language to become irresistible to women take control and develop unshakable confidence Now I want you to think about how much it is really worth to you to attract the woman of your dreams.


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