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Shlomo Vaknin – The Big Book of NLP Techniques

Shlomo Vaknin – The Big Book of NLP Techniques (2008)(OCR).pdf
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This exclusive book is one of the bonuses / incentives for the “Rare NLP group buy”.This group buy is still open and the forum is listed at: Big Book of NLP TechniquesAuthor: Shlomo VakninPublished: Dec. 2008Book Description: 708 pages scanned, OCRed & bookmarked.At last, a concise encyclopedia of NLP patterns!The Big Book Of NLP contains more than 200 patterns & strategies written in an easy, step-by-step format. The methods include a full array of the fundamentals that every practitioner needs, such as the Swish pattern and The Phobia Cure, as well as advanced and unique patterns, such as The Nested Loops method and Learning Strategies. Many of these techniques were never published before and cannot be found elsewhere.Perhaps more important, and unlike most other NLP books and programs, the patterns are written with great care and testing to ensure that they are clear and can be followed immediately.From the Author:If there was one really useful book on NLP… …it would be full of NLP patterns!Everyone who learns Neuro Linguistic Programming knows the power of the patterns and strategies that employ the skills and knowledge of NLP.Whether you have just been introduced to the basics, or you have mastered advanced material and patterns, this work provides you with more than 200 patterns in a concise reference format, with step-by- step instructions.I have selected each pattern for its value and relevance. If you know the pattern, you can refresh your memory; if you want to learn it, you can do so without wading through any “fluff” such as ridiculously long explanations of NLP terms, or “magical stories” of healing and success. I chose to make this book clean of theories and fiction stories, and packed it with the most practical guidelines and advice.The author’s web site is at: keep this a elib exclusive, thanks.Thanks for all the support for this group buy! “The Place” is the best!I really appreciate everyone who is supporting this group buy and I’m happy to add more NLP bonuses to this group buy.Thanks to ddelias for telling me about this book.This group buy is still open and is the forum is listed at: of the “Rare NLP Group Buy”: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 2 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: Upgrade to PU or contribute to the “Rare NLP Group Buy”These are the standard group buy lead times.Thanks, Mazen


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