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Carlos Xuma – Ultimate Inner Game

Carlos Xuma – Ultimate Inner Game
[10 CDs – MP3, 1 eBook – PDF + Bonus Videos and Audio]



THIS IS AN EXCLUSIVE OF   elib, DO NOT UPLOAD ANYWHERE ELSE!!!…What is Inner Game?Well, it’s a pretty fancy term for some of our most important traits as a man.Inner Game includes things like:  * Self-confidence – Being cool, not needy, and self-reliant…  * Controlling your fears and emotions – Not losing control and becoming a train wreck when you are put in situations that are unfamiliar or charged…  * Control of your thinking – Not getting caught in your head and stuck in your own thinking… being present-moment focused… Having inner awareness and self-control…  * Getting rid of anxiety and nervousness – Feeling relaxed and calm in any social situation… Having good social skills…  * Self-esteem – Feeling good about yourself and liking yourself… Being able to handle criticism and the negative opinions of others… Not needing their approval all the time…Inner Game can also mean many more things to you. Here are some of the different definitions that guys have told me over the years:  * Inner Game is: Knowing that a woman has certain expectations of you that you need to live up to…  * Inner Game is: Being relaxed and natural with women, and not having to “fake it to make it” all the time…  * Inner Game is: Knowing you’ve “got the goods” when it comes to having value to give to a woman – in conversation, as well as in your lifestyle…  * Inner Game is: Not feeling awkward around women or in social situations…  * Inner Game is: Keeping conversations with women interesting and going where you want them to go – without ending up as another shoulder to cry on…  * Inner Game is: Getting past your flaws and frustrations once and for all…  * Inner Game is: Being able to take the risks you always wanted to…  * Inner Game is: Managing the peaks and valleys of your confidence level as it goes up and down…  * Inner Game is: Making things you’ve already learned about women and all the pieces fall into place quicker…  * Inner Game is: Not feeling disappointed by women and relationships from the past…  * Inner Game is: Bouncing back from failures and rejections… and not taking them personally…  * Inner Game is: Staying true to yourself and your identity – not compromising your values and morals just to get women or get ahead in life…  * Inner Game is: Overcoming your own internal conflicts…  * Inner Game is: Awareness and knowing yourself inside and out…  * Inner Game is: Having a strong grip on your own reality – and not getting caught off guard, no matter what comes your way!  * Inner Game is: Being the dominant ALPHA of the group instead of the guy who can’t get a word in edgewise in the conversation…  * Inner Game is: Stop being so attached to the outcome and just be present-moment focused, having fun and staying out of your head…  * Inner Game is: Knowing that whatever happens in life, you will prevail and come out on top!Here are some of the other things this Ultimate Inner Game system will show you…    * Understand the complete inner workings of your mind and your thinking – so that you can get “under the hood” and pimp your inner game ride to do what you want to do…    * How to re-write the conscious and subconscious “rules” that you obey – most of the time without ever questioning them – even when they’re no longer working for you – so that you can redirect your destiny and achieve what you want with women – and with every area of your life…    * One simple hidden technique that takes 10 seconds and will instantly flush away your guilt, anger, resentment, frustration, disappointment, fear, or any negative emotion…    * Learn how the 7 Domains of your self-esteem works – in complete detail – so that you can control the level of your self-confidence and keep it consistent…    * The secrets your therapist will never tell you about that will get you stronger inner game in days instead of months and years… (if more guys knew about this, therapy would be dead…)    * Do you feel like shyness is keeping you from meeting women, making new friends, and experiencing life? You’ll learn about the different kinds of shyness, how they work, and step-by-step instructions on how to break through the shyness barrier in your life…    * How to get the right parts of your brain working TOGETHER instead of as enemies, so that you can stop second-guessing yourself, and find your inner source of courage and passion…    * How to jump-start your social circle of friends – in just 3 weeks…    * The Truth about “manifestation” – and how “The Secret” misleads and tricks most guys…    * Learn the 5 Domains and the 7 Skills of emotional intelligence, and identify where you need to develop most to master yourself and your feelings…    * How to master the the 3 Essential Skills of “state change” so that you can instantly get in a better mood, and motivate yourself to do things you normally find difficult or impossible to accomplish…    * Why slow changes you make are harder and take more energy than the quick changes…    * The 14 Steps of Emotional and Self-Mastery and the 6 Needs we all share – When you learn these, you’ll be able to unlock any person’s motivation and drive…    * How to completely turn off that “worry voice” in your head that keeps you living in anxious fear…    * 7 Steps to defuse and manage your fear and keep from reacting automatically to social challenges…    * Want to learn practical, simple steps to getting peace of mind and lowering your stress level that doesn’t take a lifetime to learn? You’ll get them in sections 4, 8, and 10…    * How to recognize your unhealthy thinking when it raises its voice, and how to prevent it from wrecking your approaches and conversations with women…    * How to ask your woman for things without sounding like a needy wuss-bag…    * How to fix up the holes in your self-confidence so you can interact with women on a strong and confident footing…    * The 6 Critical Steps to plan and create real lasting change in your life – from your identity to your habits to your beliefs and way of thinking…    * The easiest methods for relaxing, clearing your head, getting out of your head, and getting back in the moment with women – or anyone… With step-by-step, real-time guidance through the exercises…    * How you inherited bad mental habits and trains of thought, and how to finally get rid of them without a bunch of therapy and painful self-analysis…    * Simple exercises to identify the places in your life where you are letting women control you instead of taking the confident LEAD of your own life…    * Do you ever find yourself making decisions to make people like you more, or just to not look bad? Here are some simple techniques to clear your head and get back to the REAL and authentic you that earns their respect and admiration…    * Do you find that women don’t seem to be interested in more dates with you after your first date? Here’s why… and it’s one of the easiest parts of your inner game to get tuned up…    * 4 Principles of Thought that show you how feelings, moods, and emotions work… Once you understand how this part of you works, you’ll be able to stop reacting or feeling influenced by women and social pressure…    * The big mistakes men make with their “panic” and anxiety attacks – and how to use the emotional energy to build self-confidence…    * How to make any “technique” you’ve learned work better, faster, and longer than any of the guys who just learn “the words…”    * How to take “rejection” and “failure” situations with women and turn them around into something that improves your self-confidence and self-esteem – without cheezy affirmations…    * How to remove the negative habits you’ve developed that end up destroying your relationships…    * Ever wonder how some pathetic guys have no problems meeting women? Why smart guys have more trouble with women than the “dumb” guys seem to…    * How to get past the need for memorized “lines” and “routines” with women so that you can project your powerful confidence and masculine identity to create GENUINE attraction…    * Learn the simple technique to handle the guys that try to make a fool out of you and tool you…    * How to get past your approach anxiety with women – or any social group -so that you can quickly and easily walk up to any woman you see and start a conversation, without fear or nervousness…    * How to avoid the women with issues and baggage and find the women with healthy psychological patterns – so you can stop going through the torture of relationships that are doomed before they begin…    * Here is the simple architecture of your inner “self-defense” mechanisms and how they work – and how they work in other people so you can get past all the dysfunction and shields…    * You have Inner “Lie” Mechanisms get in your way of experiencing life and I will explain how our brains naturally deceive us if we’re not careful – and how you can tell when your mind is tricking you…    * Take a complete self-esteem inventory to figure out where you are right now with your own level of self-confidence…    * 10 Secret Power Tips for handling the rollercoaster ride of your own self-confidence, and smoothing out the ride…    * There’s a powerful 2-step system to manage the “evidence” you get from the outside world, and when you cultivate this skill – as I will show you in this section – you’ll learn how to break old disempowering beliefs and install new ones…    * You’ll learn the 5 Power Questions that immediately re-frame your experience and turn any situation back to your control – no more anger and frustration when life doesn’t go your way…    * The Secret 2-Step Method and the Three Questions that enable you to channel your energies to the right parts of your life – and these are questions you are automatically answering every minute of every day without even knowing it!    * Simple psychological tricks to destroy your anger and anxiety and never be a      slave to your emotions again…    * A common misunderstanding that locks almost all men into a state of low self-esteem their whole life… and it’s completely simple to break out of when you know the secret…    * How to turn your negative emotions and energy into positive self-esteem – without having to act or “fake it ’til you make it…”    * How to break free of needy, insecure “little boy” behaviors that scare away women, and finally take on your Alpha Masculinity…    * How to get past the old patters of obsession, anger, frustration, anxiety, and negative states that keep your game with women from really moving forward…    * How to change the parts of you that you want to change, without feeling like you’re being fake or deceptive with women… or double-crossing yourself…    * How to stop beating yourself up over and over again for things that are in the past, and start to recognize and focus on your future…    * The 11 Mind Traps that create social anxieties, and how to get past this with simple secrets that anyone can learn and use in just minutes…    * How to look approachable, be friendly, start a conversation, cultivate strong friendships, and stop feeling “weird” around other people, or that you are the “different” one…    * How to manifest a strong and confident body language, without going further up in your head…    * How to have the confidence to walk up and talk to anyone, anywhere, without worrying about approval or being rejeted… No more inferiority complex!    * How to be your own life coach – rely on yourself more and be more emotionally resourceful – with the skill to solve your own problems and be your own best friend…    * How to “talk yourself down” from your bouts of anxiety and fear so that you can kill that voice in your head that’s keeping you from doing what you know you need to do…    * How to overcome a woman’s tests without feeling like the rug was just pulled out from under your feet, staying grounded and calm…    * How to avoid freaking out with a woman when things get sexually charged – and especially when you REALLY like her…    * How to control your state and leverage the “Aikido” principle of moods so that you never get stuck in the downward spiral of depression ever again…    * How to put yourself in the right state so that you keep conversations going with ease and never have to deal with that “shy and quiet” part of you making things boring and awkward ever again…    * How to put yourself fully in the driver’s seat of your own life so that you get the results from your life that you want – financially, sexually, spiritually, socially…    * How to awaken your masculinity to become a complete and whole Alpha MAN…    * How to naturally jack up and increase your mental, emotional, and physical energy every day by engaging your natural drives    * How to handle negative self-talk and stress in your life, with cool, calm composure…    * How to impress anyone you meet with the solidity of your character and the power of your presence and confidence…    * How to “switch off” the negativity in your thinking and substitute it with more realistic “positive” thinking – without coming across like an annoying happy dancing monkey…    * How to stop ruminating over past events and the bad things that happen to you so that you can free your mind up to new accomplishments and opportunities…    * How to figure out which “inner voice” you can pay attention to, and which one you should ignore… And how to stop over-analyzing everything…    * Have you been learning a lot of “seduction techniques,” but now you feel like you’ve lost touch with your real authentic personality? Learn how to get back to your natural self…    * How to get rid of that constant feeling of being watched and judged by other people when you go out and interact with women – or with anyone!    * How to win friends and influence people – for the new millenium… updated strategies to increase your personal charisma and social intelligence…    * How to adapt to changing social situations on the fly – so that you can be a social chameleon…    * How you are ‘blinded’ to your own inner game issues, and how to take off the blindfold that’s keeping you in the dark…    * The principle of compounding energy in your inner game – how slight improvements create massive increases in energy and results…    * The secret “universal mistake” in thinking that all humans make – and when you learn this, you’ll immediately know why your thinking gets in your way of confidence…    * How your moods and your natural need to worry and “stress out” get in your way and become addictive traps…    * Shortcut through therapy – a quick and easy breakdown of the 3 environments that shaped your personality, and how to break free from the negative limitations of your upbringing…    * The simple physiological and biological explanation of your mind’s most basic automatic defenses and systems, and how you are naturally wired to succeed – with the right inner game skills…    * Why “just do it” and “be confident” is the worst kind of advice – and why you are beating your head against a wall when it comes to self-improvement – and how to tear down that wall…    * How and why your habits seem so hard to break or change, and the secret method you can leverage change to make breakthrough changes in your habits in just a short time…    * Why we get “stuck” in relationships that seem to be going nowhere when we see opportunity all around us…    * Why therapy and digging into your past not only doesn’t work to help you change or “get over” issues, but in fact makes them even worse – and how to avoid this “Therapy Trap…”    * Learn the blueprint of how your mind works, and the three simple parts that make up your identity… and how to override those automatic impulses you get that seem to control your behavior against your will…    * The Six Questions to understand about your parents and how they brought you up so you can reconcile your past and get on with your future…    * How to recognize and stop your natural mental bad habits from starting, and how to get rid of the hesitation and anxiety that your negative thinking creates…    * The single most important attitude and element of inner game that a man must master – and how it impacts your sexual success, as well as every part of your life – from the car you drive to the women you date… AND the single most important factor that can shift the balance of power…    * The 5 Useless insights of the pickup community – including the “Magic Bullet” Myth, and how you avoid falling for bad advice when you hear it…    * How your mind works, how your mental “automatic pilot” functions – and how you can re-program yourself for the behaviors you want… as well as get rid of bad habits that seem to stick with you forever…    * The reason why most self-help programs don’t seem to work, and how you can get past this trap so that you can enable yourself for change and happiness…    * Your “Outrage script” – The one mindset that holds you back from success with women, as well as almost every other area where you aren’t living up to your full potential, and how to shut it down…    * The 3 Hidden Pickup Artist Traps – How a lot of the “attraction” and “seduction” information can hold you back from a healthy and natural ‘vibe’ with women – and keep you from a positive social network…    * The 2 Automatic Questions – the natural interpretation drive of your mind, and how you can get much better results in your life by taking control of these questions…    * The “Mistake” Rule of Life – The one kind of mistake you need to make about yourself to realize your full potential – and the ONE conviction you must develop…    * Learn the 10 metaprograms that determine your results and your mind-model, and how you can use these to reach faster and stronger rapport with women in any conversation…    * The 4 Ways your expectations are turned into reality in your life, and what you need to do to short circuit the power of “self-fulfilling prophecies…”    * The Power of Your 5 Stories – how your inner mental dialogue creates your experience, and how to “re-write” your story to create the ultimate driving force in your life… And how communicating this story to women will keep her glued to you…    * The 3 Steps to gain control of your inner voice – and the 10 skills that give you the inner power of purpose, truth, and action…    * The 4 Energy Types you must understand, control and increase to beat your negative addictions, and lead a healthy and positive life…    * How to manage and leverage your natural emotional, mental, and physical cycles to get rid of negativity and fatigue…    * How to avoid constantly beating yourself up over things you KNOW you should let go of…    * How to keep yourself sane and stable in the dating world right now – so you don’t have to work out all your inner “issues” first to get success with women…——————————————————————————————-Thanks a lot to Gluv for making this available. If you feel like it and enjoy this product please send him some ratio for bringing this product at elib


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