Eckhart Tolle – Music to Quiet the Mind
Eckhart Tolle’s Music to Quiet the Mind
[1CD – 11 MP3 ]
Product DetailsAudio CD (October 21, 2008)Original Release Date: October 21, 2008Number of Discs: 1Label: Gemini Sun RecordsASIN: B001EOQUSMAverage Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars (3 customer reviews)Quote:All the artists who created and/ or perform the musiccontained on Eckhart Tolle’s Music to Quiet the Mind arefamiliar with the realm of inner stillness and are ableto create or perform from that dimension and thus bring itinto this world. This is why each piece of music has a certainmagic to it. Each piece is eminently suitable for reducing oreliminating the activity of thought in you, the listener. For thisto work, however, there needs to be a willingness on your partto give your full attention to the sounds and to receive themin a state of relaxed alertness. Then, let the sounds work theirmagic on you; let them take you deeper into stillness. So letthis music, that is to say the manifested sounds on this album,show you the way back to the hidden dimension of life, theunmanifested, the formless, and timeless consciousness. Thisis the realm of the sacred, and this is also who you are in yourinnermost nature.—Eckhart Tolle
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