Journey of Genius Software – Robert Dilts
Journey of Genius Software
[Software – 2 EXEs]
Description containing 2 programs created by Robert Dilts based on his work of Modeling Geniuses (Albert Einstein, Walt Disney, Sherlock Holmes, Ganondorf, etc).Contains: 1) Imagineering Strategy’ ‘Imagineering Strategy’ software was developed by NLP trainer and developer Robert Dilts to help you “think like a genius.” The goal of ‘Imagineering Strategy’ is to take you through a cognitive strategy that helps you to define and map the key steps involved in implementing a particular project or solution. Guided by the wisdom and brilliance of some of the world’s greatest geniuses (Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Mozart, Freud, Aristotle, Tesla, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes), the software assists you to develop a comprehensive idea of a plan or project by helping you think about it from several different perspectives (‘dreamer’, ‘realist’ and ‘critic’). The beneficial effects of this will be that you are able to: learn an effective planning strategy that may be used in many different situations, consider in detail the relevant aspects of a particular plan or project, and produce a document which describes the key elements of the plan or project. 2) Vision to Action goal of the Vision to Action program is to help you identify and align the various levels of processes involved in solving a problem or completing a project. The purpose is to clarify and connect the cluster of behaviors, capabilities, beliefs, values and roles which are necessary to accomplish the defined mission in a particular context. This will help you become clear about the ‘what’, ‘how’, ‘why’ and ‘who’ of your actions and how these different aspects interrelate. As a result you will have a richer understanding of the processes involved in the project or solution and be able to act in a more coordinated fashion. Any Thanks goes to Zengun for this LIFE CHANGING software!P.SSSSSSSSSSSSS.If you like this software, you may want to be apart of this group buy more NLP Software!
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