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Love Systems Interview Series – Volume 42

Vol42 – Advanced Attraction (Daxx & Braddock)
[1 CD – MP3]



!! KEEP THIS AT  OR YOU WILL BE BANNED FOR EVER !!One of the longuest interview ever done by Love Systems : 90 minutes about Advanced Attraction.Description of the product:Takeaways and Boundaries are considered advanced techniques, commonly used by Love Systems instructors.Doing takeaways is an effective way to strengthen a woman’s attraction for you by creating a temporary feeling of loss. This serves as a powerful reality check to the woman which causes her to realize you’re a high value man that she doesn’t want to lose. More often than not, the woman will start to become emotionally attached and work to win you back.Setting boundaries increases the woman’s level of respect for you, corrects bad behavior, builds comfort and can be used to generate attraction even if you don’t use them on the woman herself.Join Braddock and Daxx as they discuss the proper ways to use takeaways and set boundaries.Areas of focus include:The 2 types of takeawaysExamples of takeaways to use early, mid, and late in the interactionTakeaways applied to relationshipsSmall, medium, and large boundaries, and the different ways to enforce eachExamples of boundaries to use early, mid, and late in the interactionExamples of 3rd person boundariesPlease, keep in mind that this is an exclusive product for the persons who promessed to give money to the Group Buy here: THOSE WHO PLEDGE WILL HAVE IT NOWThis is the last month i put it here guys, so we need money and an organiser before the end of July to continue this tremendous encycolpedia of structural game!!


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