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Jerry Stocking – Trail Of Tiers

Jerry Stocking – Trail Of Tiers [2 CDs mp3]
[2 CDs mp3]



TRAIL OF TIERSThe Trail of Tiers is a model that leads you through eight relevantlevels of awareness. From Tier 8, indicated by a constant drive toreceive positive stimuli, to Tier 4 where you reach a magical point atwhich you continually get between stimulus and response, all the wayto Tier 1 which is the initial preparation for enlightenment.Listening to this tape set will assist you in discovering on whichlayer you are and which layer is the first step towards fullparticipation and play. Through the Trail of Tiers, Jerry Stockingwill lead you on an exploration of the qualities of being human. Hereyou find a comfortable place where you don’t have to react and can sitpeacefully, perfectly still as a source. By developing facility withthe Trail of Tiers you can move around between them, interfering withthe stimulus-response chain and setting yourself free. What you learnby exploring the Trail of Tiers will translate into more perspective,flexibility, creativity, and humanity.


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