Jerry Stocking – Seven Simple Steps Towards Enlightenment
Jerry Stocking – Seven Simple Steps Towards Enlightenment [4 CDs mp3]
[4 CDs mp3]
SEVEN SIMPLE STEPS TO ENLIGHTENMENTThere are other people who have it worse than you do, but afterperceiving enlightenment you are no longer comparable. You can nolonger enjoy your hiding place just because others have been found.When you are playing hide and seek, the most fun moment is when youthink you might have been found but in fact have not been found. Thecloser you are to being found without being found, the more excitingthe game. The conversion of the hiding to the celebration of beingfound is what enlightenment is all about. Enlightenment is aboutfinding yourself and discovering in a fraction of a second, the natureof all things. You are light. Light has it easy. It has no agenda,nowhere to be and no preferences for where it goes. In the process ofletting go you can’t be abandoned. Listen in as Jerry takes you on astep-by-step tour of enlightenment.
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