Hale Dwoskin – The Sedona Method v2 Course Seminar
Sedona Method – Hale Dwoskin – Videos & Workbook (1992)
[(8 videos (AVI) + (1 PDF)]
This exclusive material is part of the “Larry Crane [Releasing/Sedona Method]” group buy.This group buy is still open and the forum is listed at: Sedona Method v2 Course SeminarAuthor: Hale DwoskinPublished: 1992Description: 8 videos converted to .AVI. & 1 PDF of two course workbooks.The video quality changes from time to time as these were converted to DVD from VHS by someone else. I have spent quite a few hours on these videos trying to get them the best that I can and are not all in the quality that I usually post and I hope you still benefit from them, thanks.The Sedona Method – Release Technique is founded on the most basic scientific principles. The Release® Technique works by showing you how to eliminate the subconscious blocks that hold you back.The Release Technique is an inner system for letting go that instantly puts you in touch with your natural successful self so you feel confident, calm, and in control in any situation.The Release Technique is not intellectual, it’s an experiential learning process. The Sedona Method that you’ll be learning is a “How to” method that allows you to discharge and release all unwanted feelings easily and painlessly, on the spot.Learning to use the Method will be cumulative. Your ability to use it will deepen on each day of the training. By the time you complete the course you will have developed the ability to use this dynamic technique anytime without taking time out from your other activities. Once you’ve got it — you’ve got it!The web site for the author is at:http://www.sedona.com/The web page for this material is at:http://www.releasetechnique.com/release-technique/product_in…Please keep this a elib exclusive, thanks.Thanks to coolkid for starting this group buy and everyone who is supporting this group buy.Contributors of the “Larry Crane [Releasing/Sedona Method]” group buy: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 2 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeks or contribute to the “Larry Crane [Releasing/Sedona Method]” group buy.Users: Upgrade to PU or contribute to the “Larry Crane [Releasing/Sedona Method]” group buy at: are the standard group buy lead times.Thanks, Mazen
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