Jason Fladlien – Why Most Personal Development Gurus Suck!
Jason Fladlien – Why Most Personal Development Gurus Suck!
[12 MP3s]
Why Most Personal Development Gurus Suck! And the Secret To Instant Change With “Unconscious State Installations” So You Can Achieve Your God Given Destiny!Dear friend, I hate most self help and personal development gurus. First, they are usually “theorists”. They don’t practice what they preach. They give you good ideas, but never action plans. They don’t show you the easy way to get instant results. No.Actually, they are just opportunists who want to make money off you… not people who have your best interest in mind. Did you know…? John Gray, author of “Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus”, the supposed guru of relationships has never had a successful marriage. In fact, his marriage with Barbara De Angelis ended when she left him for another man. Barbara De Angelis, by the way, is also a famous self help guru who publishes books like “What Women Want Men to Know” and “Chicken Soup For the Couples Soul”. Dr. Phil, who weighs in at about 245 pounds, gives people advice on how to lose weight! I’m sorry, but dude is only 6’2″. I don’t care how you spin it, he’s overweight. Hmm. Kim Cattrall of Sex in the City fame wrote a book about how women can have non-stop, blissful orgasms. She divorced her husband shortly after the book was published. Her reason: Her husband just wanted to have sex all the time! Napoleon Hill, author of Think & Grow Rich (millions of copies sold), lived most of his life destitute and poor, and had to be rescued from poverty at the end of his life by a friend who took pity on him.These are just a small handful of examples. What’s more instructive is… WHY? Why can’t most people do what they teach? I’ll tell you why… They Don’t Have Systems, Only Theories! I’m not into theories. I’m into “modeling”. Here’s how it works. When I want to master a certain behavior or achieve a certain goal, I simply go to someone who has what I want. Then, I make it a point to observe them. What I want to know is the neurological and chemical processes that trigger their resource states that allow them to achieve great things. When I wanted to learn about goal setting, I didn’t read some stupid book from some supposed “expert” who I knew nothing about. No. I went and studied and modeled olympics athletes. Then, I took their approach, and made it into an 8 step systematic process!When I wanted to learn about how to change habits instantly, I modeled people who were able to make instant, productive changes in their life. I found they all had one commonality. There was a certain threshold point that once it was crossed simply destroyed the old negative habit. A void was left. Then it was simply a matter of putting a new & more positive habit in that void. There You Go…Instant Change!I took that approach and turned it into a 7 step systematic process.When I decided to do what my creator put me on this earth to do and help as many people as possible, I went out and found people who had achieved similar goals. They came from all walks of life, from an indian monk to a house painter. But they all shared 7 common states they continually accessed: Certainty Focus Accurate Thinking Persistence Decisiveness Pleasure Motivation CuriosityThen I discovered how they were instantly able to access one or all of those states simultaneously. I turned around and made systematic approaches to entering those states at will. http://imtimemanagement.com/selfhelp/
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