AFC Adam (Adam Lyons) Presentation – Washington DC Lair
AFC Adam Presentation – Washington DC Lair [MP4]
This is a video made by Faz from AFC Adam’s presentation at the Washington DC PUA Lair ( Adam Presentation SummaryLast night was fantastic! About 40 guys showed up and Adam talked for about 2 hours and didn’t try to sell us anything once. The purpose of his talk was on closing. Everybody opens now, but nobody is fucking the women they open regularly so that’s what he focused on. Key points are:1. Logistics! Logistics! Logistics!If you don’t have logistics you’re not getting the girl. It’s as simple as that. This was actually a big push of mine and others within the lair the last year or so when we have our own workshops, so it was nice to hear that being pushed by a “pro”. Here are some examples:Set up your house so it escalates for you. When you bring a girl home it should be well lit. When you move her to the next room it should be a little darker. When you move her to the room after that it should be even more darker, and so on. When you put on your music make sure it’s a playlist orr mix CD. Make sure it’s named something innocuous or course, chicks tend to nice think like “Sex music”. The tunes should start at a high energy like something you can dance to. Over 30-60 minutes it should progress to smooth music you can bang to. 2. LeadIt’s the man’s job to overcome a woman’s objections. Women of quality won’t make it easy. They’re going to put up a barrier you have to overcome an that’s it. Your job is to lead her over that barrier. The main way of handling objections is simply having a good reason. however, they don’t have to be real or logical. “I make the best pancakes on earth. You have got to try them! Best pancake. On earth.” He’s made pancakes 5 times in his life and it was never for chicks. The point is that you’re giving women plausible deniability to herself and to her friends when they ask later one what happened. You’re taking responsibility and leading her. Another method he taught us is to disqualify the objection before it happens. For example, “There’s a dark ally between the club and my house, and I’m convinced werewolves live there. You have to hold me tight and protect me when we walk through it.” It’s just a simple example of an exaggerating disqualifier so when she sees the dark ally she doesn’t freak out. You can also qualify her in a sense while disqualifying the dark ally by saying “I hope you’re not afraid of the dark. There’s a dark ally we’ll have to walk through. Will you need a night light?” Just be comical about it and that disqualifies the ally beforehand as an objection.Take responsibility for what’s occurring. If you get LMR a solid way he described of dealing with it is to just placate their fears. Talk them through it and lead them. His stock phrase is “Don’t worry about it, everything will be okay.” You might have to say it a bunch of times to lead them past all their insecurities and hesitation. 3. Rule of the braYou can have a girl in your bed all but naked, but if she has her bra and panties on she can rationalize to herself that nothing is going to happen. It isn’t until the bra comes off that it’s real to them for some reason. Chalk this one up to chick logic. Additionally he says that the community is lied to in that we say women know if they’re going to sleep with us within the first 30 seconds or something like that. What really happens is they know if they *won’t* sleep with you within that first 30 seconds or whatever that time frame is. They don’t know definitively that they’re going to sleep with you until that bra comes off. This is why some chicks you bang may insist it stays on (experienced this at least twice I can remember myself). It’s like a security blanket or something. The last thing he left us with was a message you can send the day you have a day 2 scheduled to see if she’s going to flake:”Just so you know I’ll be 5 minutes late. Is that okay?”If they’re going to flake they’ll use this as an excuse to ditch ahead of time. If they’re not they’ll say it’s fine. I will add in something else one of Adam’s friends, Phenix, said a few months ago when he was in town to help cut down on flakes: “I have some errands to run. Text me when you’re on your way.”If they don’t text and show up, but you’re off doing other things then remind them they were supposed to text you. They’re bad, not yours. If they don’t text you and flake then no worries because you’re off already doing whatever anyways. It’s just a solid way of keeping your logistics clear.Oh, and someone asked where they see the community going in the coming years. His perspective is that the community will split. Some guys will stay with the PUA moniker and be gamey using routines and gambits, while others will make a perception shift and go even further mainstream as “dating coaches”. The guys who go the latter route eventually won’t even resemble the PUA guys in their methods and practice, despite the underlying foundations and principles having much in common.
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