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Scott Sonnon – Softwork Integrating Structure

Scott Sonnon – Softwork Integrating Structure.avi
[DVDRip – 1 AVI]


Presented at the first Softwork seminar in October 2004, Coach Scott Sonnon’s lecture demonstrates and clarifies the principles that underlay Circular Strength Training and FlowFighting Systems. Understanding these unifying concepts is the key to understanding how different programs relate to one another and how they can be integrated with non-RMAX disciplines. Among other points, Softwork: Integrating Structure addresses:   * Integration of Breathing, Structure and Movement.   * Relative intensity: its effects on thinking, emotions, breathing and tension.   * Manipulating relative intensity to increase effectiveness of practice.   * Tension: regulating our own and manipulation of density in others.   * The Tensegrity Model and anatomical principles of balanced tension.   * Density: Causes, detection, manipulation and disintegration.   * Taking advantage of trained tension patterns in opponents.   * Recovery from and use of force applied against us.   * Force application in practice for the good of your partner.   * Expectations and disrupting ingrained reactions in practice and competition.   * Training to become free of ingrained tension and its effects.   * Partner practice to break up density patterns and develop improved recovery.Tension determines the behavior and adaptability of our bodies, minds and emotions. In learning to control our tension levels under greater relative intensity, we become able to handle all kinds of stress more efficiently and effectively. This leads directly to performance improvements in all activities, increased strength and stamina, and better long-term health. In martial arts, we can attack tension chains to protect ourselves, gain control and take away our opponent’s will to continue.This lecture presents a “big picture” view of all RMAX programs and how they come together in Softwork. The training concepts demonstrated on the original Softwork DVD Set (shot the same weekend) demonstrate and expand on the points covered in this lecture.


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