Rion Williams – Sexual Attraction Mastery Disc 3
S.A.M Disc 3
[1 DVD – 1 XVID + 1 MP3]
This is ONLY Disc 3. I unknowingly had an incomplete XVID and MP3 (Audio Rip) in the main program available here. The ISO for Disc 3 included in the main program was complete.Pick your weapon XVID or MP3 (Audio Rip). Or just pick all BOTH. Choose your own adventure, men!Here are some of the topics we’ll cover in the program.Let’s take a look at just SOME of the benefits you’ll get from the training included in the 8+ hours that you’ll receive:* Never have to worry about your sex or love life again while having power and choice with women who want to be with you* How to create and believe in your new reality of power and watch as the world changes around you by changing and controlling the types of relationships and resources you get yourself around* Finally have women wanting you as much or more than you want them* Simple, clear as day charts and models to solve the most complexpsychological problems and free yourself from the prison of your inner game – you won’t believe how clear the most difficult subjects can now be* How to approach the most powerful people or beautiful women and start a REAL relationship that leads somewhere (this alone is worth the entire program) instead of risking rejection or forever being stuck in a Beta mode of not knowing how to have the reality instead of the fantasy* Never have to be stuck in the friend zone unless you want to* How to achieve a level of power and confidence that you ‘become’ anAlpha male and that you won’t let anyone in the world push you around(I’ve achieved this through what I teach you)* How to be the GOOD CATCH women want but don’t just view as a provider anymore – be viewed as a LOVER. This means YOU’LL have control over the relationship and framing it to how you want when you know and apply what I teach in the program* How to communicate with women on that sexual level so that they instantly feel a connection to you without having to worry about your level of inner game* How to break free of your logical mind and harness the power of yournature and energy potential to make massive leaps and bounds inphysiological growth, equality to all power and sexual character – andhow to do it FASTER than all the inner game techniques in the worldcombined* How to have the zen-like power of the most powerful men andaction heroes that will keep you calm and in control in the midstof great chaos. Not only can this save your life but it is acore component of ‘real men’ and is undeniably attractive towomen* Have your body language be communicating ALL of the right things to women without trying and without EVER having to do body language exercises* Want to gain experience with women FAST and have higher success ratios* Overcome your resentment towards women largely in part because you’ll be sharing intimacy with them and you’ll be experiencing a whole different side of them* Get rid of deep psychological brooding spots that have been inescapablebefore by leveraging your natural, physiological, emotional and energyabilities as taught in the program to create massive reality change – onceagain this is far more powerful than your current ‘inner game’ understandingof reality is* How to take things to the next step with women instead of havingthem break contact just when you thought you were finally gettingsomewhere by having them wanting to see you more (you’ll have toget used to this)”..that brief concise little explanation is one of the more powerful things I’ve heard in the last year..summed up with a sharp laser point on it.”-David DeAngelo(during his January 2008 Monthly Interview with Dating Guru’s)* Have women flirting with you and giving you signs that it’s ok to approach without risking rejection or damage to your ego (all that matters is their interest anyways) can also have women approaching you* Save money while having women MORE interested in you viewing you as a lover (and a provider if you want) so that YOU have the power to experience who you’d would want for a long-term relationship* Psychologically relieve a lifetime of burden off of your inner game and actually achieve inner game mastery* Experience the fantasies you’ve had as a reality with women* Communicate sexual confidence everywhere you go (an ultimate aphrodisiac) without trying no matter how you approach or connect with women. You’ll never have to give up your power for anyone.* Abolish all inner game issues, butterfly responses and nervousness in communicating with any and all women no matter how beautiful or socially valuable* Actually have your dates ‘go somewhere’ because women will want to see you again, and again. It’s easy to ‘add’ up the numbers when all of your dates are consistently INTERESTED* Have higher close ratios than even top PUA’s by being a powerful woman’s respected equal while communicating sexually through the reconditioning you’re doing* No more pressure on your or your inner game to ‘do everything’. Have women talking, laughing and flirting with you while you just ‘be’ (quiet or whatever..great for shyer guys like me)* Be the guy whose friends are asking for advice on women and dating as you’ll be respected among men as well and other people of power* Attract and manage hotter women than you were ever used to before* Abolish approach anxiety through the relational NLP conditioning in the program and cover the 94% of nonverbal and sexual communication everywhere you go* Never be at a loss for words around power and beauty because it won’t throw you off. That means you can scrap all pick-up lines, field techniques and routines AND women will respect you more* Know when to make your moves and take things further with women without question especially because they’ll be helping you to get physical* Attract and communicate with the level of women you deserve, and have them in your life with Alpha Relational Dynamics and natural game techniques* No more dry spells unless you want them to intensely focus on other areas of your life* Know that you can connect with women comfortably anywhere you go in the world (without an agenda) and they will predictably respect you and usually be interested while helping you to take things further* Never let any man or woman take away your own sense of pride or self-respect* Since you’re not nervous and have power, anything and everything can now work with women and you won’t need to study pick-up could even school top PUA’s on things they aren’t aware of yet* Have the reality of hot women calling and chasing you instead of not experiencing any options or women avoiding you. This further accelerates your ‘experience’ with women fast.ALL of these stem from the behavioral level you’ll be getting closer to with the training which means you’ll see changes continue to grow and improve with and around women.That’s why I don’t have to tell you ‘what to do’ or some hot technique referenced in the when you have the interest of women, everything is flow.
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