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10 Things You Need to Know About Losing Weight

10 Things You Need to Know About Losing Weight.avi
[Video – 1 AVI]



BBC One – 10 Things You Need to Know About Losing WeightEvery year millions of people in Britain try to lose weight, and most fail. We areconstantly bombarded with advice about dieting and the latest slimming fads. But whatreally works? In this programme, medical journalist Michael Mosley investigates thelatest scientific breakthroughs in slimming, uncovering ten of the simplest ways you canshed those pounds. From the slimming secrets of soup to our brain’s response afterskipping meals, what he discovers may completely change the way you think about diets,health and losing weight.Michael does not look like he is at all overweight, but while making this film hediscovered that he, like millions of others, has internal body fat around his kidneysand liver that he really needs to lose. So he tries out the scientific tips himself, andby the end of the film he succeeds in losing the weight he wants.Plus, musician Alex James, who is a passionate cheese maker, tries out an intriguingscientific discovery – that low-fat dairy products can help you excrete more fat fromall your food.Radio presenter Amy Lame learns how just a few small changes in her daily routine canhelp burn significantly more calories, which is handy for those who hate exercise andthe gym.And actress Debbie Chazen, who eats healthy foods, has her metabolism checked and keepsa food diary – with some surprising results.We discover the scientific reasons why soup keeps you feeling fuller for longer thansolid food: it’s all to do with the particular way the stomach shrinks and expands, andwe’ll prove it using ultrasound scans of Territorial Army recruits.Full of practical tips and scientific insights, we discover how anyone can lose weightmore easily.


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